Запис Детальніше

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Електронний архів Житомирського державного технологічного університету

Переглянути архів Інформація
Поле Співвідношення
Title ?????????????? ???????? ???????? ???????? ????????? ????????: ??????? ??????????? ??????
Systemizing the scientific approaches towards accounting reserves: directions of issues still unsolved
Creator ???????, ?.?.
Kozlova, M.O.
Subject ???????
???????? ???????
???????????? ??????????
?????? ??????????
?????????????? ????????
Description ??????????????? ?? ?????????????? ???????, ????????? ? ????????????? ???????, ????????? ? ???????
?? ??????? 6 ????? ? ???????????? ?????????? ????????????. ????????? ??????? ?????????? ??????, ???
?????????? ????????? ??????????.
The approaches presented in the theses for obtaining the degree of candidate of economic sciences degree for the 6 year
period on the problematic issues of accounting for reserves have been systemized.
Date 2016-06-01T13:14:24Z
Type Article
Identifier http://eztuir.ztu.edu.ua/123456789/3724
Language uk
Relation ?????? ????. ?????: ?????????? ?????;2(60)
Publisher ????