Запис Детальніше

?????????????? ????? ?? ??????????????????????? ???????? ?????? ?? ?????? ????????? ? ??????? ??????????? ???????????? ?1?? ?? ???????

Електронний архів Житомирського державного технологічного університету

Переглянути архів Інформація
Поле Співвідношення
Title ?????????????? ????? ?? ??????????????????????? ???????? ?????? ?? ?????? ????????? ? ??????? ??????????? ???????????? ?1?? ?? ???????
Accounting and Internal Business Control of Costs on Product Quality in the Context of Software ?1C? and ?Parus?
Creator ??????????, ?.?.
Parkhomenko, V.M.
Subject ?????????????? ?????
??????????????????????? ????????
?????? ?????????
????????? ????????????"1?" ?? "?????"
internal business control
product quality
software "1C" and "?????"
Description ???????? ?????????? ??????? ??????????????? ?????? ?? ??????????
???????????????????????? ???????? ?? ????????????? ???????????? ??????????.
Possibilities of keeping records and carrying out internal business control with the
use of computer technologies have been disclosed.
Date 2016-10-10T11:34:49Z
Type Article
Identifier http://eztuir.ztu.edu.ua/123456789/5003
Language uk
Relation ???????? ?????? ?? ??????????? ??????????????? ??????, ???????? ? ???????: ??????. ??????? ???????? ?????;2(17)
Publisher ????