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National debt burden and ricardian equivalence

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Title National debt burden and ricardian equivalence
Creator Maslov, D.
Маслов, Д.С.
Маслов, Д.С.
Subject public debt
internal debt
economic growth
the equivalence theorem
Description The paper deals with the views of Ricardo on the national debt issue. Ricardo, as well as other
representatives of classical economics held the view that exorbitant taxation is the inevitable result
of a large accumulation of national debt. Although an increase in the value of the annual produce
leads to increased tax revenue received by the state, even at a constant level of the tax burden (the
ratio of tax revenue to GDP). Provided statistical data on taxation and national debt growth show
that tax burden remains around the same level, and fluctuations of that level by no means
commensurate with the changes in the growth of public debt. Considerable attention to the problem
of so-called “Ricardian equivalence theorem” is paid. According to “equivalence theorem”,
formulated by American economist Robert Barro, future taxes for consumer are equal to the current
taxes. But this does not reflect the real economic laws and is a simplification of the provisions made
by Ricardo.
Date 2016-11-15T11:12:46Z
Type Article
Identifier National debt burden and ricardian equivalence / Dmitriy Maslov // Socio-economic research bulletin : collection of scientific works; Odessa national economic university. – Odessa, 2015. – № 59 (4). – pp. 96-100.– ISSN 2313-4569.
Language en