Запис Детальніше

Distributed energy sources in the local electrical systems

Репозитарій Вінницького Національного Технічного Університету

Переглянути архів Інформація
Поле Співвідношення
Title Distributed energy sources in the local electrical systems
Creator Lezhniuk, P. D.
Kulyk, V. V.
Burykin, O. B.
Malogulko, Yu. V.
Лежнюк, П. Д.
Кулик, В. В.
Бурикін, О. В.
Малогулко, Ю. В.
Subject distributed electricity
local electrical systems
Description Modern global trends to decentralize power consumers that are associated with increasing cost of traditional fuel and manifested in the increasing proportion of distributed electricity production from distributed energy sources, lead to complications planning regimes of electric power systems and their operational management. In addition, the combination of the mentioned above processes with economic power engineering reform - implementation of bilateral agreements - virtually prevent to organize the effective functioning of the electric power systems without improving their information infrastructure with a gradual transition to the concept of intellectual power networks Smart Grid.
Date 2018-02-12T07:19:37Z
Type Article
Identifier Distributed energy sources in the local electrical systems [Text] : monograph / P. Lezhniuk, V. Kulyk, O. Burykin, Yu. Malogulko. – Riga : LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 2018. – 148 p. – ISBN 978-613-7-37951-6.
Language uk_UA
Format application/pdf
Publisher LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing