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Efficient methods for fast shading

Репозитарій Вінницького Національного Технічного Університету

Переглянути архів Інформація
Поле Співвідношення
Title Efficient methods for fast shading
Creator Romanyuk, Alexander
Hast, Anders
Lyashenko, Yuri
Романюк, О. Н.
Ляшенко, Ю.
Subject shading
fast shading
BRDF approximation
Description The new approach for accelerated diffuse color
computation according to the Phong method is proposed for
shading 3D objects. The peculiarity of this approach lies in
the synchronous hardware determination of two points at the
scanline. For this approach the new approximation formula
is used for normalization of normal vectors.
The adaptive method for shading is efficient, in which
two different illumination models are used depending on
availability of highlight within the triangle. The increase of
performance is possible when determining whether there are
highlights within the triangle and then using the illumination
model that considers specular color, and in all the other
cases using the simple model, which is considerably faster.
The method for detecting an actual intersection of the edge
by the highlight or its detection within a triangle is
Considering, that highlight on the surface of graphic
objects occupies a tiny area the adaptive approach allows an
essential increase of performance for shading.
Not only problems dealt with adaptive usage of
illumination models are highlighted but also the methods for
shading. At the same time surface curvature is considered
and level of specular and diffuse light.
On devices without battery consuming and
specialized hardware for rendering, it is important to improve
the speed and quality so that these methods are suitable for
real-time rendering. Furthermore such algorithms are needed
on the coming multicore architectures. We show how the
methods by Gouraud and Phong, the commonly most used
methods for shading, can be improved and made faster for
both software rendering as well as simple low energy
consuming hardware implementations. Moreover, this paper
summarizes the authors’ achievements in increasing shading
speed and performance and a Bidirectional Reflectance
Distribution Function is simplified for faster computing and
hardware implementation.
Date 2018-11-05T05:39:13Z
Type Article
Identifier Romanyuk, Alexander Efficient methods for fast shading [Text] / A. Romanyuk, A. Hast, Yu. Lyashenko // Advances in Electrical and Computer Engineering. – 2008. – Vol. 8, № 2. – P. 82-85.
Language en_US
Relation Advances in Electrical and Computer Engineering. Vol. 8, № 2 : 82-85.
Format application/pdf
Publisher Stefan cel Mare
University of Suceava