Запис Детальніше

Methodology of advanced economic development


Переглянути архів Інформація
Поле Співвідношення
Title Methodology of advanced economic development
Методологія випереджаючого економічного розвитку
Методология опережающего экономического развития
Creator Kendyuhov, A. V.
Yagelskaya, E. Yu.
Кендюхов, Олександр Володимирович
Ягельська, Катерина Юріївна
Кендюхов, Александр Владимирович
Ягельская, Екатерина Юрьевна
Description Kendyuhov A. V. Methodology of advanced economic development / A. V. Kendyuhov, E. Yu. Yagelskaya // Вісник Приазовського державного технічного університету : зб. наукових праць / ПДТУ. – Маріуполь, 2014. – Вип. 28. – С. 25-30. – (Серія : Економічні науки).
In the article, the concept of transformation of economic system based on

energy approach is presented and proved. Since energy is the driving force of any change, it can be

considered as the driving force of development processes. The universality of the concept of energy is due to

the possibility of applying to any forms of complex phenomena, so the amount of power primitive behavior

in any complex phenomenon may be estimated with the help of energy. It is proved that the national

economy is a system in which its own potential economic energy is incorporated. Potential economic energy

consists of abilities of the various resources. If the vector of economic force coincides with the vector of

time, positive work is done, which leads to the transformation of the system by converting potential

economic energy to positive kinetic economic energy, which characterizes the development. The process of

transformation of the economic system is based on the action of positive feedback and negative feedback.

Lots of positive feedback will lead to overheating, crisis, degeneration of the economic system, and negative

– to the attenuation, fading, and again to degeneration. A positive feedback leads to hyperbolic acceleration

of development, creating the effect of a uniform distribution of events on a log scale of time. This requires

an additional study of time features that were considered while the working out the structural model of

leading economic development. The model reflects the function of economic energy, economic force and

time, seal of which will compensate the expulsion of socio-economic system in the rarefied layers of time,

leading to the decline of the system. Economic energy is represented by an array of abilities of the economic

system. Economic force depends on the economic weight of the country and acceleration of the economic

growth of the national economy. Work describes quantitative and qualitative changes in the system by the

force. This allows calculating the efficiency of the system by which it is possible to judge about the state of

the economic system. Conclusions and directions of further researches. Bringing the proposed model to the

level of practical recommendations for the management of economic development and its evaluation based

on the dynamics of the national economy will enable the timely adjustment of strategic and tactical

problems at the state level. The prospects of further research are to develop and test a methodology for

assessing the economic energy of the country.
У статті представлено й обґрунтовано концепцію трансформації економічної системи на

основі енергетичного підходу. Описано економічний механізм зворотних зв'язків, який зумовлює

трансформацію. Розроблено та описано структурну модель випереджаючого національного

економічного розвитку.
В статье представлена и обоснована концепция трансформации экономической системы на

основе энергетического подхода. Описан экономический механизм обратных связей,

обуславливающий трансформацию. Разработана и описана структурная модель опережающего

национального экономического развития.
Date 2015-05-29T05:51:02Z
Type Article
Identifier http://eir.pstu.edu/handle/123456789/6958
Language en