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Основы безопасности и подготовка спасателей на воде с учетом рельефа Азовского моря


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Title Основы безопасности и подготовка спасателей на воде с учетом рельефа Азовского моря
Основи безпеки та підготовка рятувальників на воді з урахуванням рельєфу Азовського моря
Security framework and training of lifeguards and water taking into account the topography of the sea of Аzov
Creator Зюзь, Владимир Николаевич
Балухтина, Валентина Васильевна
Зюзь, Володимир Миколайович
Балухтіна, Валентина Василівна
Zyuz, V. N.
Baluhtina, V. V.
Description Зюзь, В. Н. Основы безопасности и подготовка спасателей на воде с учетом рельефа Азовского моря / В. Н. Зюзь, В. В. Балухтина // Вісник Приазовського державного технічного університету : зб. наукових праць / ПДТУ. – Маріуполь, 2015. – Вип. 30, Т. 2. – С. 219–226. – (Серія : Технічні науки).
В статье дан анализ опасностей, которые могут подстерегать человека при купании в акватории Азовского моря. Предложены темы обучения по видам подготовки, которые содержат знания, обучение навыкам и умениям, предъявляемым к безопасности на воде и необходимые при подготовке спасателей.
У статті подано аналіз небезпек, які можуть підстерігати людину при купанні в акваторії Азовського моря. Запропоновано теми навчання з видів підготовки, які містять знання, навчання навикам й умінням, що пред’являються до безпеки на воді та що необхідні рятувальникам.
The article deals with the state policy of Ukraine realization in the field of health and life protection, use of the natural environment and providing safe living conditions, recreation, life protection upon the water, accidents prevention, search and rescue of people in distress on the water. The modern concept of safety and water rescuing takes into account the conclusions of the Commission on ecology, natural resources and recreation. Safety upon the water is achieved through correct information of the coastal outline and the natural phenomena around, correct choice of bathing-beaches and equipment, proper visual aids, well organized bathing, systematic explanatory work as to the rules of conduct on the water and precautionary measures, swimming training. Work in the rescuing service demands that the rescuer should be conscious, responsible, willing to help, being able to rescue the drowning. The rescue service task is to protect people from the dangers which they may be subjected to during bathing or swimming. To prevent people losing their life a series of preventive measures should be taken. These include: monitoring on beaches, oral and written instruction to swimmers as to proper behavior on the water, use of proper posters, training of swimmers, lifeguards. The profession of a rescuer on the water is always associated with risk. Therefore, always, before executing their duties, the future rescuers must undergo special training and prove they have the necessary knowledge, skills and qualifications. Otherwise, erroneous actions of a rescuer may lead to injury and death of both the victims of an accident and the members of his team. The reasons for possible accidents on the waters of the Azov sea have been analyzed in the article. Improved methodological basis for the training of lifeguards, including: knowledge of the coastline and beaches, types of sea shores, waves and currents as well as the first aid have been described.
Date 2015-12-03T13:10:56Z
Type Article
Identifier http://eir.pstu.edu/handle/123456789/7947
Language ru