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Title Word Computer, Board and Online Games in Learning English
Names Овадюк, Ольга
Ovadiuk, Olha
Date Issued 2016 (iso8601)
Abstract The article deals with the peculiarities of using the board, computer and online games in a foreign language classroom. It also gives the analysis of the types and the possible kinds of this activity and provides the main objectives in studying foreign languages. The article emphasizes the importance of using these techniques to increase the students' motivation, considering possible challenges faced by teachers and students as well as psychological and methodological solutions to these problems for better foreign language acquisition. The article explores the place of games in the process of learning foreign languages, analyzes games as a means of stimulating the learning process, shows their role in raising motivation in students, studies the kinds of computer, board and online games, their goals and ways of their use in the educational process.
The article also points out that due to the application of such techniques as the board, computer, and online games, the possibilities of modern methods of learning a foreign language are considerably broadened and diversified. The content of lessons is rich, and a teacher gets the possibility to use educational time more effectively, to invent the original methods of teaching and increase the volume of educational material for students' mastering and usage. This allows mastering language material, language skills, and abilities more effectively and quicker. The article also emphasizes the important place of motivation in modern education as the key to obtaining high results in the study of foreign languages.
Learning game promotes the use of knowledge in new situations, in other words, the new material passes through some kind of practices that brings diversity and interest into the learning process. Therefore, one of the urgent problems of a modern methodology of foreign language teaching is to organize students learning through games. Educational games are a means of maintaining students' interest in the material and enhance it throughout a lesson. In the game process, students are easily involved in oral communication during which they are showing their skills not noticing the learning process itself.
Genre Article
Topic education
Identifier Ovadiuk, O. Word Computer, Board and Online Games in Learning English [Текст] / O. Ovadiuk // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / Міністерство освіти і науки України, Сумський державний університет імені А. С. Макаренка ; редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, О. Є. Антонова, Дж. Бішоп [та ін.]. – Суми : Вид-во СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка, 2016. – № 9 (63). – С. 107–116.