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Electronic Archive Khmelnitskiy National University ELARKHNU

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Title Дієслівна варіативність в українських грамотах XIV ст.
Names Царалунга, Інна
Date Issued 2016 (iso8601)
Abstract The article is devoted to the problem of verbal variation, which is reflected in the texts of Ukrainian charters of the 14th century. So, it is found that verbal system of the old Ukrainian language of that time is represented with a considerable number of parallel writings of personal and impersonal verb forms: in the indefinite form of the verb a complete reduction of the final и is consequently seen (боронити - боронить, взяти - взять, рушити - рушит); the verbs in the Present tense in the first person plural show divergent endings -емь (-юмъ, -имъ)/-емо (-имо)/-емы (-имы) (даемъ - даемо, слюбуемъ - слюбуемы - слюбуюмъ - слубоуемо, чинимо - чинимъ – чинимы); the tendency to interaction of traditional and new grammatical forms of verbs in the Past tense is found (изгадаль есми - сгадавъ есмь, сложилъ - сложи(в)); verbs in the back and the middle class of the particle ся (сu) can be in pre- and postposition (сu д­zло, сu пишеть, сu оупоминати – боuтим(с)u, вступаются, сталасu) etc. The influence of Polissia and South-Western Ukrainian dialects on the development of verbal variability of the old Ukrainian language is shown. Verbal system of the Ukrainian language of the 14th century underwent integration of traditional usage and dialect phenomena.
Genre Стаття
Topic record
Identifier Царалунга І. Б. Дієслівна варіативність в українських грамотах XIV ст. / І. Б. Царалунга // Ukrainika VII. Současná ukrajinistika. Problémy jazyka, literatury a kultury / Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis. Facultas Philosophica. Philologica 104-2016. – Olomouc, 2016.