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Electronic Archive Khmelnitskiy National University ELARKHNU

Переглянути архів Інформація


Поле Співвідношення
Title Language Development as a Change of the Parameter Pattern of the Language System
Names Домброван, Тетяна Іванівна
Олександренко, Катерина Валентинівна
Dombrovan, Tetiana
Oleksandrenko, Kateryna
Date Issued 2018-04 (iso8601)
Abstract The article advances linguistic synergetics as a novel research methodology by focusing on applicability of synergetic principles to language development studies. Synergetics is a name for the science of complexity that deals with principles of emergence, self-organisation and self-regulation of complex systems. From the perspective of the synergetic approach, a human language is considered an open, dynamic, non-linear, self-organizing system with all its hierarchical subsystems and elements coherently interconnected and controlled by governing parameters. Language development is understood as a change of the parameter pattern of a given language system, which causes the latter to self-organize into a new state. It is assumed that at any given moment the system of a language has its own parameter pattern. Any change within this pattern is but a signal of changes of the whole synergetic system. The typological shift of English is based on the mechanism of changes within the parameter pattern of the language. As a result, the Old English synthetic language became the Modern English analytical language.
Genre Стаття
Topic психолінгвістика
Identifier Dombrovan T. Language Development as a Change of the Parameter Pattern of the Language System / T. Dombrovan, K. Oleksandrenko // Psycholinguistics. Психолингвистика. Психолінгвістика. Серія: Філологія : зб. наук. пр. – Переяслав-Хмельницький : ФОП Домбровська Я.М., 2018. – Вип. 23 (2). – С. 66-80.