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Electronic Archive Khmelnitskiy National University ELARKHNU

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Title Лінгвокультурологічні концепти як компонент процесу формування естетичної культури студентів при вивченні постмодерністських творів
Names Папушина, Валентина Антонівна
Date Issued 2018 (iso8601)
Abstract The article concentrates on the method of formation students’ aesthetic culture in the com-parative study of postmodern works of Ukrainian writer Yuri Andrukhovych “Twelve Rings”, Austrian writer Karl Ransmeir “The Last World” and Polish author Yanysh Vishnev-skiy “Loneliness on the Net”. In practice, the result of this goal gains through studying lin-guocultural units – aesthetical concepts that form spiritual scene of Ukrainian, Polish and Austrian peoples in lectures and practical classes. Using achievements of linguoculturology promote involvement of students in cultural dialogue, tolerance and understanding. The works of postmodernist authors fill up of linguoculturems: cultural background, cultural tradition, cultural concepts, cultural values, myths, archetypes, rituals, beliefs, customs, standards, stereotypes – they became the object of investigation in identifying common, similar and different features in concept in works of three authors. Conceptual, figurative and valuable components of aesthetic concepts of works are studying in complex: historic-cultural, value-sociological, mythological. Here are examples of innovative technologies using as a method of taking in a new material successfully, extending interests and intelligence of students. Among them, “Round Table”, “Discussion Club”, travels in absentia, case-method, common meeting of literary and artistic associations. We emphasize that this kind of activity is interesting for students and force them to self-improvement, stimulates the intellectual and creative activity; the desire of nonstandard deci-sions of problematical questions enrich the aesthetic culture of the young people.
Genre Стаття
Topic aesthetic culture
Identifier Папушина В. Лінгвокультурологічні концепти як компонент процесу формування естетичної культури студентів при вивченні постмодерністських творів / В. Папушина // Славістичні студії. Етнолінгвістика і міжкультурна комунікація. – Люблін : Видавництво Католицького Люблінського Університету Іоанна Павла II, 2018. – № 5. – С. 333-345.