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eOSAUIR - Electronic Odessa State Agrarian University Institutional Repository

Переглянути архів Інформація


Поле Співвідношення
Title Kosovo’s Challenges for Economic Viability
Names Mustafa, Muhamet
Zogaj, Alban
Date Issued 2009 (iso8601)
Abstract This paper addresses challenges, policies and opportunities for building a viable economy in Kosova, as one of the main issues for the post-status period. The objective of the paper is to analyse prospects for sustainable economic growth and viability of Kosova and to identify policies and actions to be adopted by the Kosovar Government and other stakeholders, with the support of the international community in Kosova.
Genre Article
Access Condition info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
Topic economic viability
Identifier 1848-4298