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Поле Співвідношення
Title The independence of the newsroom in public broadcaster matters
Names Luarasi, Iris
Date Issued 2015 (iso8601)
Abstract When we talk about public broadcaster the immediate thinking goes to political independence. For many years the gap between public broadcaster and the audience has been widen because of that. That means that political independence matters. Is that a fire shield set up for letting the public broadcaster thrive in the new area of digitalization? The paper will analyze mainly the newscast on the public radio and public TV, since this is considered the main product of an electronic media. Based on that we will try to answer several question if there is a link between professionalization of the journalists with the reduced reasons of protecting independence in the newsroom. Is the new law a good way for increasing the motives of political interference? Does we need a public broadcaster or private media could fulfill our needs of being informed? The paper will analyze also the electoral code and the way that this code protects or makes the public broadcaster an easy prey for the party in power.
Genre Article
Topic independence
Identifier 978-9951-494-49-6