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Title The role of media in Albania in the formation of our national identity between 1925-1944
Names Leçini, Gazmend
Date Issued 2015 (iso8601)
Abstract The period between 1925-1944 saw the massive conception of a national culture by the press, through recirculating the writings of Albanian Renaissance writers as well as through the writings of contemporary intellectuals. This was the common denominator of the press of the time, each body doing it in its own way. To talk about the national culture or the Albanian identity without taking into account the press of the time would be a truncated discourse. Studying this period becomes more important now when Albanians are aspiring for European integration. But is it going to be an integration or assimilation? Bringing into attention the hard efforts of the intellectuals of the time for the preservation and formation of our national culture and identity, I think serves well for avoiding a cultural assimilation. The study method is an analysis of the articles published in the press bodies of the mentioned period. Conclusions: The press of the period has played a positive role in strengthening the national sentiment which I think has helped Albanians in seeing their future in the framework of national institutions albeit entertaining pan-Albanian aspirations. The revival of the patriotic spirit in Albania should be seen within the framework of global developments and not by imitating the original logic of that spirit from a time when our independent state did not yet exist.
Genre Article
Topic national culture
Identifier 978-9951-494-49-6