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Поле Співвідношення
Title The Serbian Propaganda in Dick Marty’s Report
Names Saliu, Hasan
Date Issued 2012 (iso8601)
Abstract This paper is a research into the propaganda used by states as part of their policy to achieve the effects of the foreign policy. The interior propaganda is briefly mentioned in terms of interpreting the notion of propaganda because the scope of this paper aims to focus on the Serbian propaganda against Albanians: a propaganda that addresses the local opinion, but first of all the foreign one. In this context, there is a shift in time, the return of the Serbian propaganda at a time when Albanians are giving their efforts to establishing their nation-state. The paper is intended only to present the more extreme examples from both the past and the present, and not to stop the continuation of this propaganda. Its purpose is to liaise with the latest propaganda campaign intended to demonize Albanians.
Genre Article
Access Condition info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
Topic propaganda
Identifier 1848-4298