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Поле Співвідношення
Names MULLIQI, Rudina
Date Issued 2016 (iso8601)
Abstract Teaching English to high school students is known to be interesting, fun and practical but also difficult, energy consuming and precise at the same time. For the sake of better education system, strategies in teaching English language to teenagers in our schools have to be adopted by teachers. Teaching English language precisely and professionally is going to give them necessary language skills required to enroll to qualitative universities in Kosova and outside of it, help them pass National (Matura) Exam and also help find desired jobs after graduation.
High school students at schools are not properly taught due to lack of course books. English language teachers have to choose individually and personally about materials to be taught. In 21 century where technology has reached its higher development, students are not instructed and motivated to use it for good, in this case, to develop their English language skills through different programs and applications offered. Teaching English language mainly concentrates on teaching four skills, grammar, vocabulary, spelling, pronunciation, and etc. High school students have to be taught to be more active learners in classrooms and outside of it; develop their language knowledge by their teacher and themselves at home through use of media, technology, internet and other means available so they can be successful after high school period in their lives.
Many studies around the academic world have devoted to teaching English language to offer suggestions and recommendations from findings consequently to support the importance of teaching and developing effective and successful English language learning setting. Factors related to strategies in English language teaching for high school students and individual learners, as encouragement, learning types, proficiency, and accomplishment. The majority of researches have focused on importance of teaching English language knowledge among high school students.
The aim is to help already working and future English language teachers to develop necessary teaching skills through productive and new strategies in teaching so their high school students would have better opportunity and shot to devel1op English language.
Genre Thesis
Identifier https://dspace.aab-edu.net/handle/123456789/395