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Title Organized Crime as an Influential Factor in Political Processes – Case Study of North Kosovo
Names Qollakaj, Fatmir
Date Issued 2012 (iso8601)
Abstract Safety is a constitutional category in State Law, which requires state agencies and institutions to fulfill this obligation to the citizens for whom safety is a fundamental right which is inalienable. The extent to which is possible today to meet this constitutional obligation to the citizens and at what level of quality is a relative issue considering the fact that challenging safety factors are increasing continuously and safety is becoming more unstable. Thus increasingly we are witnesses of an imposed state, from, the challenging factors for safety where the organized crime which is one of the fundamental factors for safety. It is manifested as an important and influential factor, that dictates the rhythm and determines the physiognomy of the political life in state and region wide. As a real reflection and contextual overview of this issue we take into consideration the situation in northern Kosovo, which both in the legal, political and security aspect shows a complex and specific whole where the organized crime is manifested as a strong link between local and political power- symbiosis concerned as crime – local political structure dictates the rhythm, dynamics, volume of state agreements between R. Kosovo and Serbia on the issue of a final solution of the unsolved issues between them. Analyzed from the security point of view and criminology perspective, organized crime attempts, responds towards conservation of the “existing situation” where the state of Kosovo authorities in our concrete case did not have access, nor have they been able to exercise jurisdiction in the territory of Kosovo, recognized internationally as a state by more than ninety countries.
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Identifier 1848-4298