Запис Детальніше

Microprocessor-based system of the energy transmission process optimization by photovoltaic power plants in the grid

Репозитарій Вінницького Національного Технічного Університету

Переглянути архів Інформація
Поле Співвідношення
Title Microprocessor-based system of the energy transmission process optimization by photovoltaic power plants in the grid
Creator Lezhniuk, P. D.
Bartetskyy, A. A.
Bartetska, I. A.
Лежнюк, П. Д.
Бартецький, А. А.
Бартецька, І. А.
Subject microprocessor control system
photovoltaic power plant
mathematical optimization model
Description Microprocessor control system, based on mathematical optimization model, applying fuzzy sets tools was
developed. Microprocessor optimization system is provided to combine intelligent control unit, operator workstation, local meteostation and smart grid invertor. Data exchange was carried out by the standard protocols and
data transfer interfaces. Intelligent control unit is suggested to realize on the base of the microcontroller PIC32MZ,
manufactured by microchip company, on the base of the core MIPS microAptiv UP. The concept of control is the
following: intelligent unit colects the information from the local meteostation, regarding the temperature, amount
of solar radiation and air humidity. From the Smart grid the intelligent unit obtains the data concerning the voltage
level. As a result of processing the obtained information control unit sends the control signal to the inverter of the
photovoltaic power plant and sends the necessary information to the operator workstation.
The paper contains the developed circuit diagram and element base, the algorithm of he intelligent unit of
microprocessor optimization system operation according to mathematical optimization model, using fuzzy sets
tool. As the system is realized on modern element base, this enables to integrate it easily in the existing control
systems of photovoltaic power plants and Smart grid systems. The application of the proposed system will enable
to improve the efficiency of electric energy transmission by the photovoltaic power plants in the grid and will
provide the maintaining of the balance stability of energy system.
Date 2019-01-22T13:47:19Z
Type Article
Identifier Lezhniuk, P. D. Microprocessor-based system of the energy transmission process optimization by photovoltaic power plants in the grid [Text] / P. D. Lezhniuk, A. A. Bartetskyy, I. A. Bartetska // Sciences of Europe. – 2018. – Vol. 1, № 34. – P. 24-30.
Language en
Relation Sciences of Europe. Vol. 1, № 34 : 24-30.
Format application/pdf
Publisher Sciences of Europe (Praha, Czech Republic)