Запис Детальніше

Процес та наслідки націоналізації “приватбанку”

Електронний науковий архів Науково-технічної бібліотеки Національного університету "Львівська політехніка"

Переглянути архів Інформація
Поле Співвідношення
Title Процес та наслідки націоналізації “приватбанку”
The process and consequences of privatbank nationalization
Creator Горбаль, Н. І.
Гошовська, О. В.
Полтавцева, А. І.
Horbal, N. I.
Hoshovska, O. V.
Poltavtseva, A. I.
Contributor Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Subject банк
банківська система
кредитний ризик
the banking system
credit risk
Description Розглянуто сутність та значення націоналізації банків, проаналізовано її
особливості у світі та в Україні. Висвітлено основні показники діяльності ПриватБанку,
визначено основні проблеми і вимоги до банку на момент націоналізації. Визначено
основні наслідки переходу ПриватБанку у власність держави, розглянуто основні
причини негативного впливу націоналізації банку на ситуацію в державі.
The essence and significance of nationalization were reviewed, historical information
about the global banks’ nationalization was represented, also the current state of the
Ukrainian banking system was analyzed. Moreover, the basic indicators of PrivatBank, the
main problems and requirements to the bank were shown. The article aims to research the
pre-conditions, expediency and consequences of nationalization of PrivatBank, determining the
prospects of its development.
As of today there are a few methods of restoring the financially helpless banks, id est
proceeding in their functioning. The main of them include refunding, temporarily
administration of a bank and nationalization. Nationalization is the process of transforming
private assets into public ones by bringing them under the public ownership of a national
government or state.
The current financial crisis has put a strict requirement of additional capitalization for
the Ukrainian banks as the only possibility for their further existence. In other case they can
face strengthening of problem of insolvency and even exit a market. In Ukraine the problems
in banking sector have been observed already for a few years, in particular from the moment
of political changes and beginning of military conflict at the East of Ukraine (yrs 2013-2014).
These events take place next to worsening of situation at the basic industrial markets, low
business activity in the banking system and unstable and expensive resource base (money
attracted by banks). As the result the banks do not meet the obligations and begin to work
The basic indications of the situation are limitations on activity with cards, accounts and
deposits. The banks clients, both private and legal entities, try to leave the banks and withdraw
the valuable cash resources from the banks, which results in limited working capital. First of
all, the National bank of Ukraine begins to give to such banks money for refunding, that for
essences must even balance of receivables, charges and obligations, but it is only a temporal
PrivatBank is the biggest bank in the country as for the value of assets and the number of
clients. In general there were two key requirements in relation to the bank activity at the end
of 2016, including: 1. Enormous debt against the National bank. Alhrough there are huge
amounts of refunding and stabilization loans from the National Bank of Ukraine to PrivatBank
has a number of limitations with respect to the influence on the bank activity; 2. Considerable
volume of loans to the “constrained persons” – companies that are related to the proprietors of
Also, the basic effects of PrivatBank transition to the state was analysed, considered the
main reasons of bad influence of bank nationalization on the country’s life.
Considering that PrivatBank is a system-supporting entity, the procedure of its
liquidation is impossible, as it would cause too significant and negative social effect.
PrivatBank served 20 million clients. If it “fell” down, all banking system of Ukraine would
“fall” down as well. Nationalization of such a large Ukrainian bank will substantially influence
the financial state of the country for the following reasons: it will loosen the holds of the state
on functioning of the system; corruption risks will increase; unsecured loans will hardly be
On the whole for the last three years the banking sector has undergone unprecedented
cleanup (from the beginning of 2014 till beginning of 2017 87 banks have disappeared from the
market). For realization of payments according to obligations against the private clients
deposit insurance fund is forced to take new borrowings from the state, which influences the
level of national debt.
The prospects of money repayment, that were on the accounts of enterprises in banks, in
relation to that made decision about introduction of temporal administration or liquidations, is
practically absent, as an evaluation cost of assets of such banks in several times less than their
book value. Because of leadingout of banks from a market considerable losses were got by legal
entities and private persons, as a result the financial state of many enterprises became
substantially worse, some of them going bankrupt, and the state received less tax receivabless.
Nationalization of one of the biggest banks in the country (PrivatBank) was one of the
forced steps of such process of cleanup. Reactivation of normal work of the bank, as well as
reconstruction of functioning of the banking system on the whole, will require quite a bit of
Date 2019-01-25T10:09:01Z
Type Article
Identifier Горбаль Н. І. Процес та наслідки націоналізації “приватбанку” / Н. І. Горбаль, О. В. Гошовська, А. І. Полтавцева // Вісник Національного університету “Львівська політехніка”. Серія: Менеджмент та підприємництво в Україні: етапи становлення і проблеми розвитку. — Львів : Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2017. — № 875. — С. 270–277. — (Управління національним господарством).
Horbal N. I. The process and consequences of privatbank nationalization / N. I. Horbal, O. V. Hoshovska, A. I. Poltavtseva // Visnyk Natsionalnoho universytetu "Lvivska politekhnika". Serie: Menedzhment ta pidpryiemnytstvo v Ukraini: etapy stanovlennia i problemy rozvytku. — Lviv : Vydavnytstvo Lvivskoi politekhniky, 2017. — No 875. — P. 270–277. — (Upravlinnia natsionalnym hospodarstvom).
Language uk
Relation Вісник Національного університету “Львівська політехніка”. Серія: Менеджмент та підприємництво в Україні: етапи становлення і проблеми розвитку, 875, 2017
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Rights © Національний університет „Львівська політехніка“, 2017
© Горбаль Н. І., Гошовська О. В., Полтавцева А. І., 2017
Format 270-277
Coverage Львів
Publisher Видавництво Львівської політехніки