Запис Детальніше

Development of Data Exchange Protocol Prototype Between Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems

Електронного архіву Харківського національного університету радіоелектроніки (Open Access Repository of KHNURE)

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Title Development of Data Exchange Protocol Prototype Between Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems
Розробка Прототипа Протоколу Обміну Даними між Системами Виявлення та Протидії Атакам
Creator Єременко, О. С.
Лемешко, О. В.
Persikov, A.
Subject infocommunications, network security
прототип, протокол, обмін даними, система виявлення та протидії атакам, багатошляхова маршрутизація, метрика, ймовірність компрометації
Description The data exchange protocol prototype between Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems is proposed. One of the candidates for the universal protocol for managing and exchanging of information between IDPS systems is IDXP, however, it has a number of limitations. As a result there arises the task of developing a protocol that solves the issues of detecting various types of IDPSs in the network, exchanging attack signatures between IDPSs, coordinating actions to manage the state of the network and efficient information exchange in a potentially insecure network with an irregular structure. The protocol should take into account the differences in IDPS workflows and how to capture information about events in the network, the possibilities of analyzing the network state, and the functional capabilities of devices acting as data accumulating elements.
Date 2017-07-01T09:16:24Z
Type Conference proceedings
Identifier http://openarchive.nure.ua/handle/document/4008
Language en
Publisher м. Івано-Франківськ: п. Голіней О.М.