Запис Детальніше

On the construction of two-sided approximations to positive solutions of some elliptic problem

Електронного архіву Харківського національного університету радіоелектроніки (Open Access Repository of KHNURE)

Переглянути архів Інформація
Поле Співвідношення
Title On the construction of two-sided approximations to positive solutions of some elliptic problem
Creator Kolosova, S.
Lukhanin, V.
Subject two-sided approximations
operator equation
positive solution
concave operator
Description In this paper we have investigated the existence, uniqueness and possibility of constructing of
two-sided approximations to the positive solution of a heat conduction problem with two sources. The investigation is based on methods in operator equations theory in half-ordered spaces. In this case we have considered a nonlinear operator equation that corresponds to the initial boundary value problem in a cone of non-negative continous functions. The roperties of the corresponding operator define conditions which provide the existence and uniqueness of the solution. The conditions link the parameters of the problem implicitly
meaning that they don’t provide the range of allowed values but need to be verified for each specific parameters value set separately
Date 2018-03-29T13:47:51Z
Type Article
Identifier Kolosova S. On the construction of two-sided approximations to positive solutions of some elliptic problem / S. Kolosova, V. Lukhanin // Econtechmod. An international quarterly journal on economics in technology,new technologies and modelling processes – 2016. – Vol. 5, № 4 – P. 11–19.
Language en