Запис Детальніше

Testing the speed of the FFT using the NVIDIA graphic cards

Електронного архіву Харківського національного університету радіоелектроніки (Open Access Repository of KHNURE)

Переглянути архів Інформація
Поле Співвідношення
Title Testing the speed of the FFT using the NVIDIA graphic cards
Creator Ульянов, О. М.
Плахов, М. С.
Шевцова, А. И.
Ульянова, О. О.
Скорик, А. А.
Ткачев, В. Н.
Subject NVIDIA
Description The article shows the limits in the processing speed which are achieved by the modern graphic cards of the NVIDIA type. It also considers the level of the computational errors that registered with FFT and inverse FFT at different plans for their implementation and lack (the absence) of distortion type jitter. A comparison of the speed of the spectral data analysis using different plans and different drivers was carried out on three types of graphic cards NVIDIA GeForce GTX 210, 660M, 680. Also the comparison of the speeds and the processing errors was carried for the mentioned graphic cards and CPU Intel Core I7. Some inconsistencies were found in the recommended technical documentation, which is given on the official NVIDIA website, with parameters of the really (actually) working FFT and inverse FFT plans.
Date 2018-04-10T06:44:58Z
Type Conference proceedings
Identifier O.M. Ulyanov Testing the speed of the FFT using the NVIDIA graphic cards / O.M. Ulyanov, M. S. Plakhov ; A. I. Shevtsova ; O. O. Ulyanova ; A. A. Skoryk ; V. N. Tkachev // YSF 2015 - International Young Scientists Forum on Applied Physics 29 Sept.-2 Oct. 2015, Kharkiv, - 4 p. DOI: 10.1109/YSF.2015.7333253
Language en