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Apparatus “Spark” for luminescent and electrochemiluminescent measurements 

Електронного архіву Харківського національного університету радіоелектроніки (Open Access Repository of KHNURE)

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Title Apparatus “Spark” for luminescent and electrochemiluminescent measurements 
Creator Snizhko, D.
Bani-Khaled, G.
Muzyka, K.
Xu, G.
Subject transimpedance amplifier
photomultiplier tube
Description The article is devoted to the development of the apparatus “Spark” for integration a photodetector with a current output in a measurement system. Developed apparatus “Spark” includes a current-to-voltage converter, an output filter, and a source of a high voltage, that are sufficient to combine a photomultiplier tube with a different analytical instrumentation. Use of apparatus “Spark” with electrochemical station CHI 800C CH
Instrument and photomultiplier tube CR-105 by Hamamatsu Photonics is shown by over an electrochemiluminescent assay of a test solution.
Date 2018-05-29T12:35:04Z
Type Article
Identifier Snizhko D. Apparatus “Spark” for luminescent and electrochemiluminescent measurements / D. Snizhko, G. Bani-Khaled, K. Muzyka, G. Xu // PRZEGLĄD ELEKTROTECHNICZNY. -2018. - Vol. 94, № 6. – Р. 38-42.
Language en
Publisher Przeglad Electrotochniczny