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A CA Hybrid of the Slow-to-Start and the Optimal Velocity Models and its Flow-Density Relation

Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine

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Title A CA Hybrid of the Slow-to-Start and the Optimal Velocity Models and its Flow-Density Relation
Creator Ujino, H.
Yajima, T.
Description The s2s-OVCA is a cellular automaton (CA) hybrid of the optimal velocity (OV) model and the slow-to-start (s2s) model, which is introduced in the framework of the ultradiscretization method. Inverse ultradiscretization as well as the time continuous limit, which lead the s2s-OVCA to an integral-differential equation, are presented. Several traffic phases such as a free flow as well as slow flows corresponding to multiple metastable states are observed in the flow-density relations of the s2s-OVCA. Based on the properties of the stationary flow of the s2s-OVCA, the formulas for the flow-density relations are derived.
Date 2019-02-13T17:20:33Z
Type Article
Identifier A CA Hybrid of the Slow-to-Start and the Optimal Velocity Models and its Flow-Density Relation / H. Ujino, T. Yajima // Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications. — 2015. — Т. 11. — Бібліогр.: 16 назв. — англ.
2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: 39A10; 39A06
Language en
Relation Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications
Publisher Інститут математики НАН України