Запис Детальніше

Theoretical foundations for the development of experimental equipment for determining the load capacity of speed change devices

Електронний науковий архів Науково-технічної бібліотеки Національного університету "Львівська політехніка"

Переглянути архів Інформація
Поле Співвідношення
Title Theoretical foundations for the development of experimental equipment for determining the load capacity of speed change devices
Creator Malashchenko, Volodymyr
Strilets, Oleh
Strilets, Volodymyr
Contributor Lviv Polytechnic National University
National University of Water and Environmental Engineering
Subject speed change device
experimental equipment
epicyclic gear train
Description The article gives the theoretical base for construction of equipment for
experimental research of static, kinematic and dynamic characteristics of devices for speed change
by epicyclic gear trains with closed circuit hydrosystems through the ring gear during the
transmission by them of the periodic, shock long-term or short-term loads or their executive
mechanism stoppage due to overload. This equipment can be successfully used for experimental
study of devices for speed change by epicyclic gear trains with closed circuit hydrosystems through
the carriers or sun gears.
Date 2019-02-11T13:44:14Z
Type Article
Identifier Malashchenko V. Theoretical foundations for the development of experimental equipment for determining the load capacity of speed change devices / Volodymyr Malashchenko, Oleh Strilets, Volodymyr Strilets // Ukrainian Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science. — Lviv : Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2018. — Vol 4. — No 1. — P. 125–130.
Malashchenko V. Theoretical foundations for the development of experimental equipment for determining the load capacity of speed change devices / Volodymyr Malashchenko, Oleh Strilets, Volodymyr Strilets // Ukrainian Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science. — Lviv : Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2018. — Vol 4. — No 1. — P. 125–130.
Language en
Relation Ukrainian Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science, 1 (4), 2018
[1] V. O. Malashchenko, V. M. Strilets, and O. R. Strilets, “Ohlyad ta analiz sposobiv i prystroyiv skhodynkovoho keruvannya zminamy shvydkosti v tekhnitsi” [“Review and analysis of the methods and devices for stepped speed changes control in engineering”], Visnyk Natsionalnoho universytetu vodnoho hospodarstva ta pryrodokorystuvannia [Bulletin of the National university of water and environmental engineering], vol. 2 (70), pp. 245–255, 2015. [in Ukrainian].
[2] O. R. Strilets, “Ohlyad ta analiz sposobiv i prystroyiv bezskhodynkovoho i kombinovanogo keruvannya zminamy shvydkosti v tekhnitsi” [“Review and analysis of the methods and devices for continuously variable and combined speed changes control in engineering”], Visnyk Natsionalnoho universytetu vodnoho hospodarstva ta pryrodokorystuvannia [Bulletin of the National university of water and environmental engineering], vol. 2 (70), pp. 354–363, 2015. [in Ukrainian].
[3] V. O. Malashchenko, V. M. Strilets, and O. R. Strilets, “Fundamentals of Creation of New Devices for Speed Change Management”, Ukrainian Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science. vol. 1, no. 2, рр. 11–20, 2015.
[4] V. O. Malashchenko, O. R. Strilets, and V. M. Strilets, “Klasyfikatsiya sposobiv i prystroyiv keruvannya protsesom zminy shvydkosti v tekhnitsi” [“Classification of methods and devices for speed changes control in engineering”], Pidyomno-transportna tekhnika [Hoisting and transport equipment], vol. 1, pp. 70–78, 2015. [in Ukrainian].
[5] O. R. Strilets, “Obgruntuvannya mozhlyvosti keruvannya zminamy shvydkosti za dopomohoyu dyferentsialnykh peredach” [“Justification of the possibility of speed changes control by epicyclic gear train”], Visnyk Inzhenernoyi akademiyi Ukrayiny [Bulletin of the Engineering Academy of Ukraine], vol. 2, pp. 177–181, 2015. [in Ukrainian].
[6] N. M. Kudenko, and V. M. Strilets, “Ostanov dlya gruza peremeshchayemogo mekhanizmom podyema” [Stop gear for cargo transported by lifting mechanism], RU Patent 2211796, September 10, 2003. [in Russian].
[7] N. M. Kudenko, and V. M. Strilets, “Vantazhoupornyy zupynnyk” [Cargo stop gear], UA Patent 41191, July 15, 2003. [in Ukrainian].
[8] O. R. Strilets, “Zubchastyy dyferentsial z prystroyem dlya keruvannya zminamy shvydkosti” [Epicyclic gear train for speed changes control], UA Patent 25335, August 19, 2008. [in Ukrainian].
[9] O. R. Strilets, V. M. Strilets, and I. T. Shynkarenko, “Keruvannya zminamy shvydkosti za dopomohoyu zubchastoyi dyferentsialnoyi peredachi” [“Speed changes control by epicyclic gear train”], Mashynoznavstvo [Mechanical Engineering], vol. 6 (120), pp. 38–41, 2007. [in Ukrainian].
[10] O. R. Strilets, “Ohlyad i analiz sposobiv keruvannya zminamy shvydkosti u tekhnitsi” [“Review and analysis of ways to control speed changes in engineering”], 12 Mizhnarodnyy sympozium ukrayinskykh inzhenerivmekhanikiv u Lvovi: tezy [Proceedings of 12th International Symposium of Ukrainian Mechanical Engineers in Lviv], pp. 152–153, 2015. [in Ukrainian].
[11] O. R. Strilets, “Sposoby keruvannya zminamy shvydkosti u tekhnitsi” [“Ways of speed changes control in engineering”], Zbirnyk tez 8 Mizhnarodnoyi naukovo-praktychnoyi konferentsiyi „Intehrovani intelektualʹni robototekhnichni kompleksy” IIRTK-2015 [Proceedings of 8th International scientific and practical conference “Integrated intellectual robotic complexes” IIRTC-2015], pp. 230–232, 2015. [in Ukrainian].
[12] O. R. Strilets, “Kinematychni mozhlyvosti zubchastykh dyferentsialʹnykh peredach z zamknutoyu hidrosystemoyu” [“Kinematic possibilities of gear epicyclic gear trains with closed circuit hydrosystem”], Materialy Mizhnarodnoyi naukovo-tekhnichnoyi konferentsiyi molodykh uchenykh i studentiv “Aktualʹni zadachi suchasnykh tekhnolohiy” [Proceedings of the International Scientific and Technical Conference of Young Scientists and Students “Current Problems of Modern Technologies”], chapter I, pp. 234–235, 2015. [in Ukrainian].
[13] V. O. Malashchenko, O. R. Strilets, V. M. Strilets, “Zalezhnist koefitsiyenta korysnoyi diyi zubchastoyi dyferentsialnoyi peredachi vid peredatochnoho chysla i shvydkosti keruvannya” [“Dependence of the coefficient of efficiency of the epicyclic gear train from the gear ratio and the control speed”], Materialy konferentsiyi prysvyachenoyi 110-richchyu S.M. Kozhevnykova [Proceedings of the conference devoted to the 110th anniversary of S. M. Kozhevnikov], Dnipro, pp. 145–148, 2017. [in Ukrainian].
[14] O. R. Strilets, “KKD zubchastoyi dyferentsialʹnoyi peredachi u prystroyi dlya keruvannya zminamy shvydkosti cherez sonyachne zubchaste koleso” [“Efficiency of the epicyclic gear train in the device for speed changes control through the sun gear”], Materialy konferentsiyi Odesʹkoyi derzhavnoyi akademiyi budivnytstva ta arkhitektury [Proceedings of the conference of the Odessa State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture], Odesa, pp. 145–149, 2017. [in Ukrainian].
[15] O. R. Strilets, “Vyznachennya KKD bahatoskhodynkovykh zubchastykh dyferentsialʹnykh peredach u prystroyi zminy shvydkosti cherez epitsykl [“Definition of efficiency ofmulti-stage epicyclic gear trains in the device for speed changing through the ring gear”], 20 naukova konferentsiya TNTU imeni Ivana Pulyuya: materialy [Proceedings of XX conference in Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University], Ternopil, pp. 51–52, 2017. [in Ukrainian].
[16] O. R. Strilets, “Keruvannya zminamy shvydkosti za dopomohoyu dyferentsialʹnoyi peredachi cherez epitsykl” [“Speed changes control by epicyclic gear train through ring gear”], Visnyk Ternopilskoho natsionalnoho tekhnichnoho universytetu [Scientific Journal of the Ternopil National Tachnical University], vol. 4 (80), pp. 129–135, 2015. [in Ukrainian].
[17] O. R. Strilets, “Keruvannya protsesom zminy shvydkosti za dopomohoyu dyferentsialʹnoyi peredachi cherez sonyachne zubchaste koleso” [“Speed change process management by epicyclic gear train through sun gear”], Visnyk Khmelnytskoho natsionalnoho universytetu [Herald of Khmelnytskyi National University], vol. 5 (229), pp. 68–72, 2015. [in Ukrainian].
[18] O. R. Strilets, “Keruvannya protsesom zminy shvydkosti za dopomohoyu dyferentsialʹnoyi peredachi cherez vodylo” [“Speed change process management by epicyclic gear train through carrier”], Visnyk Kremenchutskoho natsionalnoho universytetu imeni Mykhaila Ostrohradskoho [Transactions of Kremenchuk Mykhailo Ostrohradskyi National University], vol. 6 (95), pp. 87–93, 2015. [in Ukrainian].
[19] V. O. Malashchenko, O. R. Strilets, and V. M. Strilets, “Method and device for speed change by the epicyclic gear train with stepped-planet gear set”, Research Works of Air Force Institute of Technology, vol. 38, pp. 13–19, 2016.
[20] V. O. Malashchenko, O. R. Strilets, and V. M. Strilets, “Novyy sposob besstupenchatogo izmeneniya skorosti pri pomoshchi zubchatykh differentsial'nykh peredach s zamknutoy gidrosistemoy” [“A new way of infinitely variable speed variation by epicyclic gear train with a closed circuit hydrosystem”], Privody i komponenty mashin [Drives and Components of Machines], vol. 4–5, pp. 7–10, 2016. [in Russian].
[21] V. O. Malashchenko, O. R. Strilets, and V. M. Strilets, “Keruvannya zminamy shvydkosti za dopomohoyu bahatoshodynkovoi dyferentsialnoyi peredachi cherez sonyachne zubchaste koleso” [“Speed changes management by multistage epicyclic gear train through sun gear”], Vestnik Nacionalʹnogo tehničeskogo universiteta “HPI”. Problemy mehaničeskogo privoda [Bulletin of the National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”. Problems of mechanical drive], vol. 23 (1195), pp. 87–92, 2016. [in Ukrainian].
[22] V. O. Malashchenko, O. R. Strilets, and V. M. Strilets, “Keruvannya shvydkistyu rukhu mashyn bahatostupenevoyu zubchastoyu peredacheyu cherez epitsykl” [“Machines speed of motion management by multistage epicyclic gear train through ring gear”], Visnyk Natsionalnoho universytetu “Lvivska politekhnika”. Dynamika, mitsnist ta proektuvannya mashyn i pryladiv. [Bulletin of Lviv Polytechnic National University. Dynamics, strength and design of machines and devices], vol. 838, pp. 57–63, 2016. [in Ukrainian].
[23] V. O. Malashchenko, O. R. Strilets, and V. M. Strilets, “Novyy pryvod z dyferentsialom i zamknutoyu hidrosystemoyu dlya keruvannya shvydkistyu mashyny” [“New drive with differential and closed circuit hydrosystem for controlling the machine speed”], Vibratsii v tekhnitsi ta tekhnolohiiakh [Vibrations in technique and technologies], vol. 3 (83), pp. 109–116, 2016. [in Ukrainian].
[24] A. V. Vavilov, V. O. Malashchenko, O. R. Strilets, and V. M. Strilets, “Sovershenstvovaniye transmissiy dorozhnykh mashin dlya povysheniya ikh konkurento-sposobnosti i obespecheniya importozameshcheniya” [“Improving the transmission of road cars to enhance their competitive abilities and ensure import substitution”], Avtomobilnyye dorogi i mosty [Highways and Bridges], vol. 2 (18), pp. 102–108, 2016. [in Russian].
[25] V. O. Malashchenko, O. R. Strilets, and V. M. Strilets, “Justification of efficiency of epicycle gear train in device for speed changes management”, Ukrainian Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science, vol. 3, no. 1, рр. 89–95, 2017.
[26] O. R. Strilets, “The efficiency of the epicyclic gear train to devices for controlling the speed change through a sun gear”, Pratsi Odeskoho politekhnichnoho universytetu [Odeskyi Politechnichnyi Universytet. Pratsi], vol. 2 (52), рр. 29–38, 2017.
[27] V. O. Malashchenko, O. R. Strilets, and V. M. Strilets, “Determining performance efficiency of the differential in a device for speed change through epicycle”, Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies. vol. 6/7 (90), рр. 51–57, 2017.
[28] O. R. Strilets, “Kompyuterne modelyuvannya dyferentsialnykh peredach z prystroyem dlya keruvannya shvydkistyu” [“Computer modeling of epicyclic gear train with device to control speed”], Mashynoznavstvo [Mechanical Engineering], vol. 4 (128), pp. 35–39, 2009. [in Ukrainian].
[29] O. R. Strilets, V. O. Malashchenko, and V. M. Strilets, “Stend dlya doslidzhennya prystroyiv zminy shvydkosti” [“Stand for research of devices for speed change”], UA Patent 107979, June 24, 2016. [in Ukrainian].
[30] O. R. Strilets, V. O. Malashchenko, and V. M. Strilets, “Stend dlya doslidzhennya prystroyiv zminy shvydkosti” [“Stand for research of devices for speed change”], UA Patent 108298, July 11, 2016. [in Ukrainian].
[31] O. R. Strilets, V. O. Malashchenko, and V. M. Strilets, “Stend dlya doslidzhennya prystroyiv zminy shvydkosti” [“Stand for research of devices for speed change”], UA Patent 108302, July 11, 2016. [in Ukrainian].
[32] R. V. Zinko, I. S. Lozovyy, M. I. Cherevko, and Yu. M. Cherevko, “Metodyka eksperymentalʹnykh doslidzhenʹ roboty mekhanichnykh system” [“Method of experimental studies of the work of mechanical systems”], Lviv, Ukraine: LISV Publ., 2016. [in Ukrainian].
[1] V. O. Malashchenko, V. M. Strilets, and O. R. Strilets, "Ohlyad ta analiz sposobiv i prystroyiv skhodynkovoho keruvannya zminamy shvydkosti v tekhnitsi" ["Review and analysis of the methods and devices for stepped speed changes control in engineering"], Visnyk Natsionalnoho universytetu vodnoho hospodarstva ta pryrodokorystuvannia [Bulletin of the National university of water and environmental engineering], vol. 2 (70), pp. 245–255, 2015. [in Ukrainian].
[2] O. R. Strilets, "Ohlyad ta analiz sposobiv i prystroyiv bezskhodynkovoho i kombinovanogo keruvannya zminamy shvydkosti v tekhnitsi" ["Review and analysis of the methods and devices for continuously variable and combined speed changes control in engineering"], Visnyk Natsionalnoho universytetu vodnoho hospodarstva ta pryrodokorystuvannia [Bulletin of the National university of water and environmental engineering], vol. 2 (70), pp. 354–363, 2015. [in Ukrainian].
[3] V. O. Malashchenko, V. M. Strilets, and O. R. Strilets, "Fundamentals of Creation of New Devices for Speed Change Management", Ukrainian Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science. vol. 1, no. 2, rr. 11–20, 2015.
[4] V. O. Malashchenko, O. R. Strilets, and V. M. Strilets, "Klasyfikatsiya sposobiv i prystroyiv keruvannya protsesom zminy shvydkosti v tekhnitsi" ["Classification of methods and devices for speed changes control in engineering"], Pidyomno-transportna tekhnika [Hoisting and transport equipment], vol. 1, pp. 70–78, 2015. [in Ukrainian].
[5] O. R. Strilets, "Obgruntuvannya mozhlyvosti keruvannya zminamy shvydkosti za dopomohoyu dyferentsialnykh peredach" ["Justification of the possibility of speed changes control by epicyclic gear train"], Visnyk Inzhenernoyi akademiyi Ukrayiny [Bulletin of the Engineering Academy of Ukraine], vol. 2, pp. 177–181, 2015. [in Ukrainian].
[6] N. M. Kudenko, and V. M. Strilets, "Ostanov dlya gruza peremeshchayemogo mekhanizmom podyema" [Stop gear for cargo transported by lifting mechanism], RU Patent 2211796, September 10, 2003. [in Russian].
[7] N. M. Kudenko, and V. M. Strilets, "Vantazhoupornyy zupynnyk" [Cargo stop gear], UA Patent 41191, July 15, 2003. [in Ukrainian].
[8] O. R. Strilets, "Zubchastyy dyferentsial z prystroyem dlya keruvannya zminamy shvydkosti" [Epicyclic gear train for speed changes control], UA Patent 25335, August 19, 2008. [in Ukrainian].
[9] O. R. Strilets, V. M. Strilets, and I. T. Shynkarenko, "Keruvannya zminamy shvydkosti za dopomohoyu zubchastoyi dyferentsialnoyi peredachi" ["Speed changes control by epicyclic gear train"], Mashynoznavstvo [Mechanical Engineering], vol. 6 (120), pp. 38–41, 2007. [in Ukrainian].
[10] O. R. Strilets, "Ohlyad i analiz sposobiv keruvannya zminamy shvydkosti u tekhnitsi" ["Review and analysis of ways to control speed changes in engineering"], 12 Mizhnarodnyy sympozium ukrayinskykh inzhenerivmekhanikiv u Lvovi: tezy [Proceedings of 12th International Symposium of Ukrainian Mechanical Engineers in Lviv], pp. 152–153, 2015. [in Ukrainian].
[11] O. R. Strilets, "Sposoby keruvannya zminamy shvydkosti u tekhnitsi" ["Ways of speed changes control in engineering"], Zbirnyk tez 8 Mizhnarodnoyi naukovo-praktychnoyi konferentsiyi "Intehrovani intelektualʹni robototekhnichni kompleksy" IIRTK-2015 [Proceedings of 8th International scientific and practical conference "Integrated intellectual robotic complexes" IIRTC-2015], pp. 230–232, 2015. [in Ukrainian].
[12] O. R. Strilets, "Kinematychni mozhlyvosti zubchastykh dyferentsialʹnykh peredach z zamknutoyu hidrosystemoyu" ["Kinematic possibilities of gear epicyclic gear trains with closed circuit hydrosystem"], Materialy Mizhnarodnoyi naukovo-tekhnichnoyi konferentsiyi molodykh uchenykh i studentiv "Aktualʹni zadachi suchasnykh tekhnolohiy" [Proceedings of the International Scientific and Technical Conference of Young Scientists and Students "Current Problems of Modern Technologies"], chapter I, pp. 234–235, 2015. [in Ukrainian].
[13] V. O. Malashchenko, O. R. Strilets, V. M. Strilets, "Zalezhnist koefitsiyenta korysnoyi diyi zubchastoyi dyferentsialnoyi peredachi vid peredatochnoho chysla i shvydkosti keruvannya" ["Dependence of the coefficient of efficiency of the epicyclic gear train from the gear ratio and the control speed"], Materialy konferentsiyi prysvyachenoyi 110-richchyu S.M. Kozhevnykova [Proceedings of the conference devoted to the 110th anniversary of S. M. Kozhevnikov], Dnipro, pp. 145–148, 2017. [in Ukrainian].
[14] O. R. Strilets, "KKD zubchastoyi dyferentsialʹnoyi peredachi u prystroyi dlya keruvannya zminamy shvydkosti cherez sonyachne zubchaste koleso" ["Efficiency of the epicyclic gear train in the device for speed changes control through the sun gear"], Materialy konferentsiyi Odesʹkoyi derzhavnoyi akademiyi budivnytstva ta arkhitektury [Proceedings of the conference of the Odessa State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture], Odesa, pp. 145–149, 2017. [in Ukrainian].
[15] O. R. Strilets, "Vyznachennya KKD bahatoskhodynkovykh zubchastykh dyferentsialʹnykh peredach u prystroyi zminy shvydkosti cherez epitsykl ["Definition of efficiency ofmulti-stage epicyclic gear trains in the device for speed changing through the ring gear"], 20 naukova konferentsiya TNTU imeni Ivana Pulyuya: materialy [Proceedings of XX conference in Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University], Ternopil, pp. 51–52, 2017. [in Ukrainian].
[16] O. R. Strilets, "Keruvannya zminamy shvydkosti za dopomohoyu dyferentsialʹnoyi peredachi cherez epitsykl" ["Speed changes control by epicyclic gear train through ring gear"], Visnyk Ternopilskoho natsionalnoho tekhnichnoho universytetu [Scientific Journal of the Ternopil National Tachnical University], vol. 4 (80), pp. 129–135, 2015. [in Ukrainian].
[17] O. R. Strilets, "Keruvannya protsesom zminy shvydkosti za dopomohoyu dyferentsialʹnoyi peredachi cherez sonyachne zubchaste koleso" ["Speed change process management by epicyclic gear train through sun gear"], Visnyk Khmelnytskoho natsionalnoho universytetu [Herald of Khmelnytskyi National University], vol. 5 (229), pp. 68–72, 2015. [in Ukrainian].
[18] O. R. Strilets, "Keruvannya protsesom zminy shvydkosti za dopomohoyu dyferentsialʹnoyi peredachi cherez vodylo" ["Speed change process management by epicyclic gear train through carrier"], Visnyk Kremenchutskoho natsionalnoho universytetu imeni Mykhaila Ostrohradskoho [Transactions of Kremenchuk Mykhailo Ostrohradskyi National University], vol. 6 (95), pp. 87–93, 2015. [in Ukrainian].
[19] V. O. Malashchenko, O. R. Strilets, and V. M. Strilets, "Method and device for speed change by the epicyclic gear train with stepped-planet gear set", Research Works of Air Force Institute of Technology, vol. 38, pp. 13–19, 2016.
[20] V. O. Malashchenko, O. R. Strilets, and V. M. Strilets, "Novyy sposob besstupenchatogo izmeneniya skorosti pri pomoshchi zubchatykh differentsial'nykh peredach s zamknutoy gidrosistemoy" ["A new way of infinitely variable speed variation by epicyclic gear train with a closed circuit hydrosystem"], Privody i komponenty mashin [Drives and Components of Machines], vol. 4–5, pp. 7–10, 2016. [in Russian].
[21] V. O. Malashchenko, O. R. Strilets, and V. M. Strilets, "Keruvannya zminamy shvydkosti za dopomohoyu bahatoshodynkovoi dyferentsialnoyi peredachi cherez sonyachne zubchaste koleso" ["Speed changes management by multistage epicyclic gear train through sun gear"], Vestnik Nacionalʹnogo tehničeskogo universiteta "HPI". Problemy mehaničeskogo privoda [Bulletin of the National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute". Problems of mechanical drive], vol. 23 (1195), pp. 87–92, 2016. [in Ukrainian].
[22] V. O. Malashchenko, O. R. Strilets, and V. M. Strilets, "Keruvannya shvydkistyu rukhu mashyn bahatostupenevoyu zubchastoyu peredacheyu cherez epitsykl" ["Machines speed of motion management by multistage epicyclic gear train through ring gear"], Visnyk Natsionalnoho universytetu "Lvivska politekhnika". Dynamika, mitsnist ta proektuvannya mashyn i pryladiv. [Bulletin of Lviv Polytechnic National University. Dynamics, strength and design of machines and devices], vol. 838, pp. 57–63, 2016. [in Ukrainian].
[23] V. O. Malashchenko, O. R. Strilets, and V. M. Strilets, "Novyy pryvod z dyferentsialom i zamknutoyu hidrosystemoyu dlya keruvannya shvydkistyu mashyny" ["New drive with differential and closed circuit hydrosystem for controlling the machine speed"], Vibratsii v tekhnitsi ta tekhnolohiiakh [Vibrations in technique and technologies], vol. 3 (83), pp. 109–116, 2016. [in Ukrainian].
[24] A. V. Vavilov, V. O. Malashchenko, O. R. Strilets, and V. M. Strilets, "Sovershenstvovaniye transmissiy dorozhnykh mashin dlya povysheniya ikh konkurento-sposobnosti i obespecheniya importozameshcheniya" ["Improving the transmission of road cars to enhance their competitive abilities and ensure import substitution"], Avtomobilnyye dorogi i mosty [Highways and Bridges], vol. 2 (18), pp. 102–108, 2016. [in Russian].
[25] V. O. Malashchenko, O. R. Strilets, and V. M. Strilets, "Justification of efficiency of epicycle gear train in device for speed changes management", Ukrainian Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science, vol. 3, no. 1, rr. 89–95, 2017.
[26] O. R. Strilets, "The efficiency of the epicyclic gear train to devices for controlling the speed change through a sun gear", Pratsi Odeskoho politekhnichnoho universytetu [Odeskyi Politechnichnyi Universytet. Pratsi], vol. 2 (52), rr. 29–38, 2017.
[27] V. O. Malashchenko, O. R. Strilets, and V. M. Strilets, "Determining performance efficiency of the differential in a device for speed change through epicycle", Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies. vol. 6/7 (90), rr. 51–57, 2017.
[28] O. R. Strilets, "Kompyuterne modelyuvannya dyferentsialnykh peredach z prystroyem dlya keruvannya shvydkistyu" ["Computer modeling of epicyclic gear train with device to control speed"], Mashynoznavstvo [Mechanical Engineering], vol. 4 (128), pp. 35–39, 2009. [in Ukrainian].
[29] O. R. Strilets, V. O. Malashchenko, and V. M. Strilets, "Stend dlya doslidzhennya prystroyiv zminy shvydkosti" ["Stand for research of devices for speed change"], UA Patent 107979, June 24, 2016. [in Ukrainian].
[30] O. R. Strilets, V. O. Malashchenko, and V. M. Strilets, "Stend dlya doslidzhennya prystroyiv zminy shvydkosti" ["Stand for research of devices for speed change"], UA Patent 108298, July 11, 2016. [in Ukrainian].
[31] O. R. Strilets, V. O. Malashchenko, and V. M. Strilets, "Stend dlya doslidzhennya prystroyiv zminy shvydkosti" ["Stand for research of devices for speed change"], UA Patent 108302, July 11, 2016. [in Ukrainian].
[32] R. V. Zinko, I. S. Lozovyy, M. I. Cherevko, and Yu. M. Cherevko, "Metodyka eksperymentalʹnykh doslidzhenʹ roboty mekhanichnykh system" ["Method of experimental studies of the work of mechanical systems"], Lviv, Ukraine: LISV Publ., 2016. [in Ukrainian].
Rights © Національний університет „Львівська політехніка“, 2018
© Malashchenko V., Strilets O., Strilets V., 2018
Format 125-130
Coverage Lviv
Publisher Lviv Politechnic Publishing House