Запис Детальніше

Resonant phenomena of elastic bodies that perform bending and torsion vibrations

Електронний науковий архів Науково-технічної бібліотеки Національного університету "Львівська політехніка"

Переглянути архів Інформація
Поле Співвідношення
Title Resonant phenomena of elastic bodies that perform bending and torsion vibrations
Creator Andrukhiv, Andrij
Sokil, Bohdan
Sokil, Mariia
Contributor Lviv Polytechnic National University
Subject nonlinear-elastic body
asymptotic methods
complex fluctuations
Description The method of study of the influence of torsional oscillations of one-dimensional
models of nonlinear elastic bodies, along which moves with a constant velocity continuous flow of
inelastic homogeneous medium, into bending, is developed. It is believed that information on
torsional oscillations is known from empirical studies. Based on the latter, the refined model of the
dynamics of the process of the investigated object is constructed. The latter is a boundary value
problem for nonlinear nonautonomous differential equations with partial derivatives. The imposed
restrictions on power factors and the main parameters of torsional oscillations allow for the
analytical study of the dynamics of the process to use the basic ideas of the asymptotic integration of
equations with partial derivatives. With their help, we obtain a two-parameter set of solutions that
describe the determinant parameters of bending vibrations of an elastic body. It is established that
for the considered elastic body there can be resonance oscillations, which are caused not only by
external factors, but also by internal – torsional oscillations. Regarding the law of the change in the
basic parameters of the dynamics of the bending motion of an elastic body, its rotation around the
vertical axis reduces the frequency of its own flexural oscillations of the body, and even small
torsional oscillations cause an additional periodic action on the transverse. In connection with the
above bending vibrations of the elastic body, which performs complex oscillations (torsion and
bending), resonances are possible both at the frequency of the external periodic perturbation and at
the frequencies of the torsional oscillations (internal resonances).
The amplitude of the transition through the resonance: a) at the basic frequency of external
perturbation takes less value for elastic bodies of greater flexural rigidity and for higher values of the
relative motion of the medium; b) at the frequency of torsional oscillations for larger values of the
angular velocity takes more importance; c) with “fast” transition through resonance at the frequency
of external or internal perturbation is less than with “slow”. The obtained results can serve as the
basis for the choice of operating parameters of elastic elements of machines that carry out complex
Date 2019-02-11T13:44:20Z
Type Article
Identifier Andrukhiv A. Resonant phenomena of elastic bodies that perform bending and torsion vibrations / Andrij Andrukhiv, Bohdan Sokil, Mariia Sokil // Ukrainian Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science. — Lviv : Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2018. — Vol 4. — No 1. — P. 65–73.
Andrukhiv A. Resonant phenomena of elastic bodies that perform bending and torsion vibrations / Andrij Andrukhiv, Bohdan Sokil, Mariia Sokil // Ukrainian Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science. — Lviv : Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2018. — Vol 4. — No 1. — P. 65–73.
Language en
Relation Ukrainian Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science, 1 (4), 2018
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[9] Y. A. Mitropol'skii, and B. I. Sokil, "On the application of Ateb-functions to the construction of an asymptotic solution of the perturbed nonlinear Klein-Gordon equation", Ukrainian Mathematical Journal, no. 5 (50), pp. 754–760, 1998.
[10] B. I. Sokil, "Construction of asymptotic solutions of certain boundary-value problems for the nonautonomous wave equation", Journal of Mathematical Sciences, no. 1 (96), pp. 2878–2882, 1999.
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[15] P. M. Senik, B. I. Sokil, "Ob opredelenii parametrov nelineinoi kolebatelnoi sistemy po amplitudnochastotnoi kharakteristike" ["Non-linear flexural vibrations of revolving bodies around a fixed axis and methods of their study"], Matematicheskie metody i fiziko-mekhanicheskie polia [Mathematical methods and physicomechanical fields], no. 7, pp. 94–99, 1977. [in Russian].
[16] M. B. Sokil, and O. I. Khytriak, "Khvylova teoriia rukhu v doslidzhenni kolyvan hnuchkykh elementiv pryvodu ta transportuvannia z urakhuvanniam yikh pozdovzhnoho rukhu" ["Wave theory of motion in the study of oscillations of flexible elements of the drive and transportation in view of their longitudinal motion"], Viiskovotekhnichnyi zbirnyk [Military Technical Collection], vol. 1, pp. 102–105, 2011. [in Ukrainian].
[17] I. M. Babakov, Teoriia kolebanii [Theory of oscillations]. Moscow, Russia: Nauka Publ., 1965. [in Russian].
Rights © Національний університет „Львівська політехніка“, 2018
© Andrukhiv A., Sokil B., Sokil M., 2018
Format 65-73
Coverage Lviv
Publisher Lviv Politechnic Publishing House