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Schwartz-Type Boundary Value Problems for Monogenic Functions in a Biharmonic Algebra

Zhytomyr State University Library

Переглянути архів Інформація
Поле Співвідношення
Relation http://eprints.zu.edu.ua/28411/
Title Schwartz-Type Boundary Value Problems for Monogenic Functions in a Biharmonic Algebra
Creator Плакса, С. А.
Грищук, С. В.
Subject Mathematical Analysis
Description We consider Schwartz-type boundary value problems for monogenic functions in a commutative algebra over the field of complex numbers with the bases {e1, e2} satisfying the conditions , . The algebra is
associated with the biharmonic equation, and considered problems have
relations to the plane elasticity. We develop methods of its solving
which are based on expressions of solutions by hypercomplex integrals
analogous to the classic Schwartz and Cauchy integrals.
Date 2019
Type Article
Format text
Language uk
Identifier http://eprints.zu.edu.ua/28411/1/463690_1_En_10%20%282%29.pdf
Плакса, С. А. and Грищук, С. В. (2019) Schwartz-Type Boundary Value Problems for Monogenic Functions in a Biharmonic Algebra. Springer Nature Switzerland AG.