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Concentration of the Main Biochemical Blood Indices in Early Postnatal Period

Цифровий Репозиторій - Інтелектуальні Фонди Буковинського державного медичного університету

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Title Concentration of the Main Biochemical Blood Indices in Early Postnatal Period
Creator Чернюх, Оксана Григорівна
Дікал, Мар'яна Вікторівна
Subject umbilical blood of monocyesis and twin pregnancy, blood of newborns, glucose, general protein, urea, creatinine, bilirubin, correlation interrelation.
Description The work deals with the analysis of the umbilical blood samples (120 samples) concerning the concentration of general protein and glucose as the main biological constants of newborns. There is no a reliable difference found between these indices while comparing groups with monocyesis and twin pregnancies. Possible correlation interrelation of certain biochemical indices in newborns during early postnatal period was examined (54 samples). In addition, changes of the examined biochemical indices were followed in the course of time in 19 newborns concerning the comparison of umbilical and venous blood.
Date 2016-03-03T09:44:11Z
Type Article
Identifier 2308-6513
Relation 10.13187/ejm.2015.9.118;UDC [612.11 : 577.1] - 053.31
Format application/pdf
Publisher European Journal of Medicine