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Historiography and the source base of research as the background for studying the Anton Kashshy 's art heritage.

Институционный репозиторий Киевского университета имени Бориса Гринченко

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Relation http://elibrary.kubg.edu.ua/id/eprint/27232/
Title Historiography and the source base of research as the background for studying the Anton Kashshy 's art heritage.
Історіографія та джерельна база дослідження як основа для вивчення творчого доробку художника Антона Кашшая.
Creator Кашшай, Олена Степанівна
Subject Фахові (входять до переліку фахових, затверджений МОН)
Description Background. The increased interest in the art of science to the development of the Transcarpathian artistic school has led to an intensification of the study of its features, patterns of formation and artists. The picture of the development of Transcarpathian regional painting can not be complete without mentioning the name of Anton Kashshya (1921-1991), a landscape painter who actively presented Transcarpathian cultural phenomenon in the middle and second half of the 20th century.The artist is one of the prominent figures in the Ukrainian fine arts. But, despite the value and achievement of the artist, unfortunately, there is still no fundamental work on him, his legacy has not been studied, achievements have not been formulated. The artist left a considerable, impressive work, which needs to be systematized and the source base determined.
Objectives. The article covers the illumination and structuring of the source base as an important basis for the comprehensive study of the artist's works by Anton Kashshya. According to the goal, the following tasks are set: to clearly structure elements of the source base in accordance with their significance for research; Describe the benefits of each of them; to highlight the elements of the source base for further analysis.
Scientific novelty of the work consists in the fact that in it for the first time certain positions of the source base are introduced into scientific circles; system analysis of sources and scientific works devoted to the artist's works is carried out; the source base is systematized according to significance for further scientific research.
Methods. Applying bibliographic and general scientific methods of research, analyzes historiographical material and a range of scientific works devoted to the master, sets priorities in the development of questions of the source base.
Results. In the process of studying the work of Anton Kashshya, there was a need to attract information sources of various formats, since there are still no solid scientific works about the artist that would reveal all aspects of its development, demonstrate the body of works and the evolution of the pictorial manner.
During his life the artist created a gallery of robots, which were actively exhibited at exhibitions both in Ukraine and in countries neighboring the Transcarpathian region. As a result, a large array of works by the author is in the collections of art museums of Ukraine, Hungary, Slovakia, Czech Republic, as well as in private collections.
Today, an overview of almost all open-source sources of wizard works, including museums and private collections, open to access, galleries, auction lots and online auctions, and other sites for the storage and sale of classical works. In total, over a thousand pieces of the artist's works, including programs and canvases, have been counted and visually inspected. Another massive case for research is drawings, sketches, sketches, graphic works and book illustrations of the artist.
It is found out that in fact all funds of art museums of Ukraine have in their collections the works of the artist. These are high-quality works that require analysis and systematization.
Extremely important element of source base for understanding creative growth is numerous sketches and sketches, including travels in Italy and Norway. The emotions and impressions received in these trips, influenced the world outlook and forced them to seek out new ways of painting. The drawings provide a rich imagery material for the analysis of the searches performed by the artist. The study of these visual sources is necessary for the reconstruction of the evolution of the creative stages of the master.
An important source of research A. Kashshya is catalogs of exhibitions. The master conducted an active exhibition activity and regularly exhibited his works at all significant exhibition events. Catalogs of exhibitions shed light on what formal achievements the artist considered successful, such as were selected by him before the exhibition. There are only five catalogs of personal exhibitions, which contain a large number of images of works. The authors of the introductory articles describe the certain stages of A. Kashshya's creative work, provide the results of creative activity for a specific period. The study also involved directories of group art exhibitions.
An important source of research on the topic are archival documents. The study includes a large amount of materials from the family archive of the artist. In the family, there are documents relating to the personal and social life of the wizard. Some of them can help in correcting certain important facts of his biography.
The materials on the artist's exhibition and art life are featured in numerous magazine and newspaper articles published during the 1950s and 1990s. In particular, some photographs of works can be found in newspapers and magazines of the 1950s and 1960s. Articles of the 1970s and 1980s also provide important material for research. They publish interviews with the artist, which allow him to get acquainted with his thoughts and expressions. In addition, photographs of individual works are published, which makes it possible to supplement the study of major collections.
Conclusions. At the present stage, taking into account the importance of A.Kashshay for the development of Ukrainian fine arts, his artistic heritage needs attention and careful study. In the absence of fundamental scientific works about the artist detailed analysis needs a source base, in particular, it is necessary to determine the location of works, to find and study information about them, to analyze their visual qualities.
The implementation of the concept of a comprehensive study, which involves the use of scientific and archival sources, press materials and other media resources necessary for the reconstruction of the detailed picture of the artist's creation, is considered to be the best way to further study the artist's creativity.
У статті здійснюється висвітлення та структуризація джерельної бази як важливого підґрунтя для комплексного вивчення творчого доробку художника Антона Кашшая. Застосовуючи бібліографічний і загальнонауковий методи дослідження, аналізується історіографічний матеріал та коло наукових праць, присвячених майстру, встановлюються пріоритети в опрацюванні питань джерельної бази. Наукова новизна полягає у введенні в науковий обіг нових позицій джерельної бази, їх систематизації згідно пріоритетів наукового дослідження. За фактичною відсутністю фундаментальних наукових праць про митця особливу увагу акцентовано на джерельній базі як такій, що є платформою для подальшого дослідження еволюції творчості художника. Актуальним залишається визначення місцезнаходження корпусу полотен та пошук відомостей про них, аналіз їх образотворчі якості, виокремлення позиційних творів. Оптимальним для подальшого вивчення творчості художника вважається реалізація концепції комплексного дослідження, яка передбачає використання наукових та архівних джерел, матеріалів преси та інших медіа-ресурсів, необхідних для реконструкції розгорнутої картини становлення живописця.
Publisher Елена Кашшай
Date 2018
Type Стаття
Format text
Language uk
Identifier http://elibrary.kubg.edu.ua/id/eprint/27232/1/O_Kashshay_LNAM_35_IM.pdf
Кашшай, Олена Степанівна (2018) Історіографія та джерельна база дослідження як основа для вивчення творчого доробку художника Антона Кашшая. Вісник Львівської національної академії мистецтв, 35. с. 345-356. ISSN 0236-4832