Запис Детальніше

Комплексне використання наочних засобів навчання фізики учнів старшої школи.

ENPUIR - електронний архів наукових публікацій Національного педагогічного університету імені М. П. Драгоманова

Переглянути архів Інформація
Поле Співвідношення
Title Комплексне використання наочних засобів навчання фізики учнів старшої школи.
Creator Бодненко, Тетяна Василівна
Subject наочні засоби навчання
наочно-образне мислення
якість навчання фізики
формування фізичних понять
visual aids
visually-creative thinking
physics study quality
formation of physical concepts
Description У дисертації розроблено методичний підхід комплексного використання
наочних засобів навчання фізики у старшій школі, спрямований на формування
фізичних понять, що обумовлене особливостями процесу пізнання як такого,
що відображається людиною об’єктивною дійсністю.
У роботі розширено процесуально-методичний апарат комплексного
використання наочних засобів навчання фізики, конкретизовано поняття
“наочність”, “наочно-образне мислення”, “наочні засоби навчання”, стосовно
учнів старшої школи в процесі навчання фізики.
Результати педагогічного експерименту підтвердили гіпотезу дослідження
про те, що впровадження комплексного використання наочних засобів навчання
забезпечить суттєве підвищення ефективності формування фізичних понять та
якості навчання.
Method basis of the complex use of visual aids for physics study of pupils of the
senior school are scientifically founded in the Ph.D. thesis. The methodical approach
of complex use of visual aids for physics study at the senior school for formation of
physical concepts is developed in the dissertation; it is caused by features of process
of cognition as such that reflects the objective reality by a person.
The procedural-methodical instrument of complex use of visual aids is specified
and expanded in the research; concepts "visual methods", "visually-creative
thinking", "visual aids" are concretized concerning physics study of pupils of the
senior school.
Results of pedagogical experiment have confirmed a hypothesis of research that
adoption of visual aids for physics study in the senior school will provide essential
increase of efficiency of formation of physical concepts.
Reliability and validity of results and conclusions of the research is provided by
use of the scientific results received by the theoretical analysis of great volume of the
scientific-methodical and educational literature concerning a theme of the research, a
complex of methods which are adequate to the research subject and task, and
statistical methods of processing of results of research.
Having analyzed literary sources and works of physicists-methodologists we
draw a conclusion that among visual aids for physics study leading are natural and
sign models and graphic images. They carry out the following functions: cognitive
(enriching processes of thinking by a number of the details lost in abstract concepts
and helping to uncover internal properties of an object or phenomenon) and
administrative (carrying out moderation and activization of cognitive activity of
It is proved that pupil’s learning of a physics concept which in the verbal form
displays the important properties of an object of studying takes place as creation of
the generalized image of a modeling object. The analysis resulted in the work testifies
basic difference in images which are formed during natural and modeling
experiments – the first provides formation of images which display external
properties of the object, the second – assists comprehension of internal structure and
properties of the object. Thus, modeling experiment in comparison with natural gets
the prime role in formation of physical concepts. Accordingly, modeling experiment
initiates theoretical style of thinking.
The technique of complex use of visual aids for physics study of pupils of the
senior school includes creation of visual aids for creation of problem situations at
studying physics (a new way of demonstration Abbe experiment at studying theme
"Diffraction of light"); visual aids are used at different stages of cognitive activity
(carrying out of intellectual experiment as means of visualization during studying
physical concepts and physics problems solving); use graphically-mediated
visualization at formation of nuclear physics concepts (nuclear binding energy);
unification of different kinds of visual aids during studying of direct current electric
circles (studying of the Ohm law). Use of computer programs (MATLAB, LabVіEW)
for visualization of a physics material and simplification of graphs construction
during graphic physics problems solving.
So, complex unification of visual methods of demonstration of the physical
phenomena, visual creative problems, and analysis of the graphs helps formation of
physical concepts, in particular at studying not observable phenomena and processes
in physics.
The methodical approach of complex use of visual aids for physics study at the
senior school is directed to formation of physical concepts by drawing of pupils into
active work with optimum complex use of visual aids (designing, modeling,
forecasting, programming, etc.) and conscious studying of physics that increase a
learning efficiency, and so improve a level of knowledge physics of pupils.
The analysis of results of research confirms efficiency and productivity of the
developed scientific-methodical complex approach to visual aids use for physics
study at the senior school. Criteria according to which physical concepts are formed
are offered in the work. Comparison of results of the entrance and final control of
educational achievements gives ability to draw a conclusion that after application of
the complex approach the level of building up physics knowledge of a high level has
significantly increased. The analysis of the statistical data testifies that the method of
complex use of visual aids is an effective and covers the aspects necessary for
formation of physics concepts.
The work does not solve all problems concerning the organization, technology,
improvement of quality of physics study at the senior school. Continuation of
scientific research can be carried in the following directions: application of the
methodical approach to the problem of complex use of visual aids for physics study
of pupils of the senior school of different types.
Date 2014-04-23T08:42:57Z
Type Other
Identifier Бодненко, Тетяна Василівна. Комплексне використання наочних засобів навчання фізики учнів старшої школи : автореф. дис. ... канд. пед. наук : 13.00.02 / Т. В. Бодненко ; керівник роботи Є. В. Коршак ; Нац пед. ун-т ім. М. П. Драгоманова. - Київ, 2010. - 20 с.
Language uk
Publisher Видавництво НПУ імені М.П.Драгоманова