Запис Детальніше

Розвиток української фонетичної термінології ХХ-початку ХХІ століття

ENPUIR - електронний архів наукових публікацій Національного педагогічного університету імені М. П. Драгоманова

Переглянути архів Інформація
Поле Співвідношення
Title Розвиток української фонетичної термінології ХХ-початку ХХІ століття
Creator Циганок, Ганна Миколаївна
Subject фонетичний термін
парадигма фонетичних термінів
гіперо-гіпонімічний ряд
варіантність опозиційне відношення
термінологічне словосполучення
фонетический термин
парадигма фонетических терминов
гиперо-гипонимический ряд
оппозиционные отношения
терминологическое словосочетание
phonetic term
the paradigm of phonetic terms
hypero- hyponymic row
terminological phrase
Description Робота присвячена актуальній проблемі вивчення підсистеми
української фонетичної термінології. У дисертації вперше в українському
мовознавстві системно представлено термінологічні групи, підгрупи,
мікрогрупи фонетичних термінів, які репрезентують напрями становлення і
динаміку розвитку фонетичних шкіл в Україні. Засвідчені в кодифікаційних
джерелах (словниках лінгвістичних термінв, підручниках для вищих
навчальних закладів, академічних виданнях), а також у науковій, науково-
дидактичній літературі фонетичні терміни (однослівні та термінологічні
словосполучення) вперше проаналізовано щодо їхніх структурно-
семантичних (семантичних відношень – гіперо-гіпронімічних, синонімічних,
опозиційних, полісемічних, омонімічних), а також формально-граматичних
Работа посвящена актуальной проблеме изучения подсистемы
украинской фонетической терминологии. В диссертации впервые в
украинском языкознании системно представлены терминологические
группы, подгруппы, микрогруппы фонетических терминов в контексте их
образовния и динамики развития фонетических школ в Украине.
Зафиксированные в кодификационных источниках (словарях
лингвистических терминов, учебниках для высших учебных заведений,
академических изданиях), а также в научной, научно-дидактической
литературе фонетические термины (однословные и терминологические
словосочетания) впервые проанализированы с точки зрения их структурно-
семантических (семантических отношений – гиперо-гипонимических,
синонимических, оппозиционных, омонимических, паронимических), а
также формально-грамматических особенностей.
In the research the Ukrainian phonetic terminology is represented as a
complex system of one-word terms and terminological phrases. It has been
developed during the ХХ century and the first decades of the ХХІ century as
linguists-theoreticians and researchers-experimentalists has been shown attention
to the problems of the language sound construction and peculiarities of its
functional modification.
In the dissertation the stages of the development of the Ukrainian phonetic
terminology are constituted and their peculiarities are determined. The tendency of
creating new terms on the national base, internal lexical, grammar and
orthographical resources is correlated at the beginning of the XX century – thirties
of the XX century. The following the 40-50 of the XX c. are connected both
following the traditions of Moscow and Leningrad phonetic schools and appropriate terminology and widening the range of the directions of researches
(historical phonology, dialect phonology, experimental contrast phonetic
researches), argumentation of fundamental theoretical and practical issue of the
phonetics methodology – the meaning of the term “phonema”. It is mentioned that
the codification of definitions of linguistics in “Dictionary of linguistic terms” by
Y.Krotevich and N.Rodzevych became the point of systematization of accumulated
experience and precondition for the wide standards establishment of Ukrainian
phonetic terminology during the third stage (60-70 XX c.). According to the last it
was discovered some variance, debatableness, unestableshment of some terms,
systematizations consonants and vowels of the Ukrainian language. In this period
the tendency of maximum approach to the international research standards in the
field of phonetics was increased. The period of the 80 XX c. is characterized by the
processes of forcing out of the terms variants that were not unsupported by the
following researches as well as correlation the terminological meaning of the
definitions of phonetics and phonology with Russian phonetic schools
achievements. The modern period is important for the development of phonetic
terminology because of standardization and codification in different forms.
To characterize Kharkiv, Kyiv and Odessa phonetic schools the territorial
criteria connected with such factor as “scientific problem, theoretical and practical
work of researcher-phonetist” was proposed.
The connection of standardization of terminological apparatus of the
language history, dialectology, grammar, stylistics, orthoepy to subsystem of
phonetic terms is taken into consideration.
According to the results of the research was found out the fact that the
phonetic terminological system levelling took place on the background of the
following tendencies: 1) constitution of international standards of term usage under
the influence of conclusions and recommendations to unification appropriate term
system accepted by International terminological committee on linguistics (1960 –
1977); 2) intensification of the process of grammar and orthographical standards of
the Ukrainian language leveling under the influence of the Russian language
practice causing the loss of the tendency of creating own term-units according to
the internal laws of the Ukrainian language; 3) further saving (from the 70 XX c.
till nowadays) the tradition of parallel using of international term-units and their
analogies, standardized in the field of phonetics in the middle of the XX c.; 4)
researchers aspiration for applying in their works so called “individual terms”
displaying the results of advanced studying of some phenomena; 5) from the
middle of the 50 XX c. when the principal terminological groups of the Ukrainian
phonetic terminology was established (28 essential unities) the development of the Ukrainian phonetic terminology is connected on the widening of the distribution of
the key terms inside the groups, changes in syntagmatic of phonetic terms causing
the quantitative increase of components; 6) predominance of quantitative changes
in the Ukrainian phonetic terminology over qualitative ones from the 60 XX c. as
at that time the standards of word formation, grammar designing of the language
units such as terminological ones were established. The increase of term formation
in the field of phonetics on the basis of the terminological phrases shows the
tendency of speech saving efforts, development and augmentation of prepositive
components-adjectives and tendency to contribution of easier adoption of new
terms and definitions; 7) archaization of some terms in relation to further
specification of the sound phenomena classification.
It is found out that the main way of creation of phonetic one-word terms is
morphological (affixal, stemcomposition, wordcomposition) widespread in the 20-
60 XX c. As the fact that the Ukrainian phonetic terminology was formed on the
base of the terms and definitions of the foreign origin and the proper Ukrainian,
East Slavonic, lexical and semantic resource, so the principal terms are used as
ready-made terms with such structural peculiarities, which are not new.
Hierarchical subsystem of the Ukrainian phonetic terminology is linked by
hyper-hyponimic correlations in classes and subclasses of theme unities of the
terms under research; the relations of the oppositional correlation, synonimy,
sporadically - homonymy, polysemy are followed, the phenomena of structure and
grammar and morphological variance are saved.
In conclusion it should be mentioned the fact that the Ukrainian phonetic
terminology has been established and developed during the century that is
represented by the codification of sources – textbooks, dictionaries, monographies
on different stages of the history of linguistics.
Date 2017-07-05T08:13:29Z
Type Other
Identifier Циганок Г. М. Розвиток української фонетичної термінології ХХ-початку ХХІ століття : автореферат дис. ... канд. філол. наук : 10.02.01 / Ганна Миколаївна Циганок ; наук. кер. Анатолій Васильович Висоцький ; М-во освіти і науки України, Нац. пед. ун-т ім. М. П. Драгоманова. - Київ, 2017. – 24 с.
Language uk
Publisher Видавництво НПУ імені М. П. Драгоманова