Запис Детальніше

Творча особистість майбутнього вихователя дошкільного закладу - чинник мобілізації ресурсів дошкільнят

ENPUIR - електронний архів наукових публікацій Національного педагогічного університету імені М. П. Драгоманова

Переглянути архів Інформація
Поле Співвідношення
Title Творча особистість майбутнього вихователя дошкільного закладу - чинник мобілізації ресурсів дошкільнят
Creator Лесіна, Т. М.
Subject творчість
творчий потенціал
творча особистість майбутнього педагога-дошкільника
творческий потенциал
творческая личность будущего педагога-дошкольника
creative potential
creative personality of the future preschool teacher
Description У статті розглядається проблема формування творчої особистості майбутнього вихователя дошкільного закладу освіти на основному етапі його професійної підготовки – в умовах вищої школи. Робиться акцент на цілісному педагогічно вмотивованому впливі практико-орієнтовного аспекту навчально-виховного процесу на мобілізацію творчих ресурсів студента як суб’єкта навчально-професійної діяльності.
В статье рассматривается проблема формирования творческой личности будущего воспитателя дошкольного учреждения образования на основном этапе его профессиональной подготовки – в условиях высшей школы. Акцентируется внимание на целостном педагогически мотивированном воздействии практико-ориентируемой составляющей вузовского учебно-воспитательного процесса на мобилизацию творческих ресурсов студента как субъекта учебно-профессиональной деятельности.
The problem of creativity has long interested philosophers and scientists. In search of the optimal angle of its understanding in different periods of the formation of human civilization, different facets of creativity as a pedagogical phenomenon were imposed to the fore. The analysis of scientific fund, which today has developed in this context, leads to a reasonable conclusion that there are such basic characteristics of creativity as social significance, quite obvious novelty, originality. Creativity acts as the category of practically all branches of science. The study and generalization of scientific information is indicative of appropriateness of understanding creativity as a complex, integrated, polysemantic phenomenon. Now it is possible to speak of extensive and multifaceted study of the phenomenon. The lack of a common viewpoint among scholars about its nature and essence, apparently, is connected with the specificity of comprehension context : either in terms of a personality theory, or activity theory, or theories of creativity. The author of this article sets the objective of giving scientific understanding of this phenomenon comprehensively. This justifies the updating of research attention to the phenomenology of the creative personality, in particular, the future preschool teacher. This plane of consideration, in the opinion of the author, will approach the practice-oriented level of implementation of the important idea : "from creative work of the preschool teacher to creative work of the pupil". The conception formulated by V. Rybalko is considered to be fundamental in understanding the essence of the creative personality of the future specialist and is now established in scientific psychology as constructive in terms of the activity vector for the study of personality. The analytical work helped to provide a holistic and generalizing characteristic of those fundamental studies which have been undertaken in the problem field of vocational training of future specialists. It is, in particular, the students that in the higher educational institution receive the specialty "preschool education". On this basis is revealed the special acuteness of the problem of the formation of the student’s growth that allow us to judge him as a creative personality.
As one of approaches to resolving some aspects of the designated problem, we propose the systematization of the pedagogical efforts on practice-oriented component of the University educational process. In addition, an emphasis is laid on understanding the resources of this process applied to junior students. Therefore, we are talking about the stage of "entering» the profession and understanding that the concept of "personality" is much broader than the concept of "profession". Moreover, the subject specificity of the future professional activity of these students is under review. Based on the comparative analysis of the potential of different standard curricula developed by scientists and proven by practical work of national preschool educational establishments, generalizations about the creative activity of student practitioners are made. This takes into account not only the practice of national education but a constructive international experience. The author describes a strategy in this direction, and on the basis of self-reflection of the experience gained, it is stated that the student being successful in creative educational and professional practical work is an essential factor of stimulating the creative activity of preschool children. The author arrives at the conclusion that the definite forms of activization are comparatively effective, on the one hand, it is the natural process of the student’s "entering" the profession through the manifestation of his creativity and, on the other hand, it is the intensive development of his creative personality.
Date 2018-02-08T12:25:00Z
Type Article
Identifier Лесіна, Т. М. Творча особистість майбутнього вихователя дошкільного закладу - чинник мобілізації ресурсів дошкільнят / Т. М. Лесіна // Науковий часопис Національного педагогічного університету імені М. П. Драгоманова. Серія 16 : Творча особистість учителя : проблеми теорії і практики : зб. наук. праць. - Київ : Вид-во НПУ імені М. П. Драгоманова, 2016. - Вип. 27(37). - С. 14-18.
Language uk
Publisher НПУ імені М. П. Драгоманова