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Методична система інтегрованого навчання майбутніх філологів японського академічного мовлення

ENPUIR - електронний архів наукових публікацій Національного педагогічного університету імені М. П. Драгоманова

Переглянути архів Інформація
Поле Співвідношення
Title Методична система інтегрованого навчання майбутніх філологів японського академічного мовлення
Creator Асадчих, Оксана Василівна
Subject філологи-японісти
академічна грамотність японського мовлення
комунікативно-прагматичний підхід
академічні мовленнєві жанри
система інтегрованого навчання
базисний інтегративний компонент
академическая грамотность японской речи
коммуникативно-прагматический подход
академические речевые жанры
система интегрированного обучения
базовый интегративный компонент
Japanese academic literacy
communicative-pragmatic approach
academic speech genres
system of integrated training
basicintegration component
Description У дисертації теоретично обґрунтовано, практично розроблено та
експериментально перевірено модель і методику інтегрованого навчання майбутніх
філологів японського академічного мовлення в магістратурі українських вишів.
Розроблено концептуальне підгрунтя для цілісної методичної системи інтегрованого
навчання японського академічного мовлення на засадах комунікативно-
прагматичного підходу; обгрунтовано і визначено поняття академічної грамотності
як мети навчання і риси мовної особистості; описано значущі комунікативні ситуації
для навчання японського академічного мовлення; обгрунтовано і згруповано
академічні мовленнєві жанри у базисних інтегративних компонентах методичної
системи; розроблено поетапну методику формування япономовної академічної
грамотності як основи японського академічного мовлення в магістратурі;
експериментально перевірено методичну систему інтегрованого навчання
японського академічного мовлення в магістратурі; уточнено загальні психологічні
та психолінгвістичні характеристики япономовного академічного мовлення;
конкретизовано принципи навчання японського академічного мовлення майбутніх
філологів у магістратурі; розроблено критерії оцінювання ефективності методичної
системи досягнення япономовної академічної грамотності майбутніх філологів-
японістів в магістратурі.
В диссертации теоретически обоснована, практически разработана и
экспериментально проверена модель и методика интегрированного обучения
будущих филологов японской академической речи в магистратуре украинских вузов.
Разработано концептуальное основание для целостной методической системы
интегрированного обучения японской академической речи на основе
коммуникативно-прагматического подхода; обоснованно и определено понятие
академической грамотности как цели обучения и черты языковой личности; описано
значимые коммуникативные ситуации для обучения японской академической речи;
обоснованны и сгруппированы академические языковые жанры в базисных
интегративных компонентах методической системы; разработана поэтапная методика формирования японоязычной академической грамотности как основы
японской академической речи в магистратуре; экспериментально проверено
методическую систему интегрированного обучения японской академической речи в
магистратуре; уточнены общие психологические и психолингвистические
характеристики японоязычной академической речи; конкретизированы принципы
обучения японской академической речи будущих филологов в магистратуре;
разработаны критерии оценки эффективности методической системы достижения
японоязычной академической грамотности будущих филологов-японистов в
The thesis offers theoretically grounded, practically and experimentally proved
model and methods of integrated training of Japanese academic skills in future philologists
to be applied under the Master’s Degree programs at Ukrainian universities.
The author has developed the basic concept for holistic methodological system of
integrated training of Japanese academic skills using communicative pragmatic approach;
substantiated and defined the concept of academic literacy as an objectivity of education
and a feature of the language personality; described communicative situations meaningful
for teaching Japanese academic skills; substantiated and categorized academic speech
genres by basic integration components of the methodological system; developed step-by-
step methods of formation of Japanese academic speech literacy as a basis for Japanese
academic skills education under the Master’s Degree program; on a pilot basis tested the
methodological system of integrated training of Japanese academic skills under the
Master’s Degree program; updated general psychological and psycholinguistic features of
Japanese academic skills; specified the principles of training Japanese academic skills in
future philologists under the Master’s Degree program; developed evaluation criteria for
methodological system to teach future philologists the Japanese academic literacy under
the Master’s Degree program.
The concept of methodological system of integrated training of Japanese academic
skills is built on the main principles of pedagogic education and takes into account
communicative pragmatic approach, under which a communicative situation is a main
organizational factor for uniting speech genres into basic integrative components Such approach served the ground for drafting curricular, content, method and speech
integration considering the use of Japanese language in the situations important in the
process of academic and professional communication of a Japanist-philologist.
The thesis shows that education under the Master’s Degree programs is a process
that should include: research work of a master degree student, mastering theoretical
knowledge and practical skills to conduct research activity by selecting curriculum
disciplines and taking consultations provided by a thesis advisor, teaching a master degree
student methods of scientific research, enhancing academic literacy of a master degree
student up to the level allowing him/her to participate in the process of education, present
his/her research results to the public, make his/her scientific ideas circulate, and be
competitive in his/her academic activity.
In the thesis the author has substantiated that the main training methods for future
philologists in Japanese academic skills should be the following: method of making
project, referencing, exercising, method of didactic game-exercise, commented dictation,
method of problem focused discussion and the role-playing game method. It has also been
defined that the key principles of the research are the principles of integration, systemic
and genre-to-block organization of education within common communicatively relevant
situation and other, with, among others, principle of visibility, accessibility, individual
approach, problem resolution, integration; communicative approach; functionality; cross-
education of various language competences; taking into account main difficulties of
Japanese language for Ukrainian students; empiric principle of 20/80 optimizing education
according to Pareto.
In the study, the academic discourse is defined as a communication process in an
academic situation where speakers use linguistic, pragmalinguistic, and extralinguistic
systems of signs. An academic text is correspondingly a result of communication
interaction (communicative acts) of speakers in the conditions of academic discourse
characterized by a fixed genre form and relatively stable set of linguistic characteristics.
The academic literacy in the thesis is defined as a system of knowledge of academic
discourse and receptive productive speech within scope of academic genres, skills and
competencies of their use while comprehending and producing texts of academic
It has been established that formation of academic literacy requires that language
competencies in writing, reading, speaking and auditing, necessary for university language
students in Ukraine be developed to practice cross-cultural academic communication in
Japanese language.
It has been substantiated that the basic integration component (BIC) is a macro unit
of the system of organization of content and methods to train Japanese academic skills.
This unit is requires language and speech material, auditing, reading and productive
speaking activities, educational means and methods. A group of genres (genre unity)
embracing several genres of academic texts connected by content and formal relations into
communicative situations is a basic component of the constructed system. Meaningful
communication situation BIC 1 “Lecture and seminar in current educational process”,
genres group: lecture, notes, handout, academic references, question and response. Meaningful communication situation BIC 2 “Publication of study results at a conference
and in academic literature and to win grants”, genres group: thesis, referencing, remarks in
a discussion, argumentation, summarizing, scientific article, and report at a conference.
Meaningful communication situation BIC 3 “Presentation of graduation thesis and proving
qualification”, genres group: defense of a qualification project, participation in a
The author has developed a system of exercises to teach Japanese academic skills,
such system to be implemented in three stages: stage 1 – preparation, stage 2 –
organization and formation, stage 3 – implementation and control.
Following methodological system of integrated training, a linguodidactic model of
teaching Japanese academic skills has been developed.
The main criteria to evaluate academic literacy in Japanese language have been
specified as: completeness, sufficiency, relevance of selection and use of language units in
an academic text; normative level of perception and production of texts of Japanese
academic genres; capability to solve communicative task in a communication situation of
academic discourse.
The updated hypothesis of the experiment was to assume dependence of the
outcome of academic literacy formation in Japanists-philologists and implementation of
the integrated education system, basic components of which reflect content, methods,
forms of education and communication integrity of meaningful situations of Japanese
academic discourse.
The experiment showed that in both experimental groups where the author’s
integrated education system was applied the quality of academic literacy in Japanese
language was formed at a higher level than in a control group, such result proving the
efficiency of the offered methodological system.
Reliability of the experimental result was proven by the Mann-Whitney statistic
method and non-parametrical criteria for connected sampling – the Wilcoxon’s T-criteria.
The thesis presents certain methodical recommendations for training Japanese
academic skills in future philologists under the integrated education system.
Date 2018-03-02T13:56:19Z
Type Other
Identifier Асадчих, О. В. Методична система інтегрованого навчання майбутніх філологів японського академічного мовлення : автореф. дис. … докт. пед. наук. 13.00.02 / Оксана Василівна Асадчих ; [наук. конс. В. М. Шовковий] ; М-во освіти і науки України ; Нац. пед. ун-т імені М. П. Драгоманова. - Київ, 2017. – 39 с.
Language uk
Publisher НПУ імені М.П. Драгоманова