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Business idea and business plan: how to open aptek from scratch

Цифровий Репозиторій - Інтелектуальні Фонди Буковинського державного медичного університету

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Title Business idea and business plan: how to open aptek from scratch
Creator Чорненька, Жанетта Анатоліївна
Subject business planning
business plan
Description The proper establishment and further operation and development of each business entity requires detailed
planning, an effective tool of which is the business planning process. Particularly when launching a new direction,
type of economic activity or creating a strategic business unit, the development of the business plan as a detailed
preliminary analysis and forecast of the prospects of the entrepreneurial project is important.
Date 2019-05-30T10:35:48Z
Type Article
Identifier 3375-2389
Language en
Format application/pdf
Publisher Danish Scientific Journal No21, 2019. Vol.1