Запис Детальніше

Відбудова споруд та приміщень Чернігівського історичного крайархіаву в 40–50-х рр. ХХ ст.

Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine

Переглянути архів Інформація
Поле Співвідношення
Title Відбудова споруд та приміщень Чернігівського історичного крайархіаву в 40–50-х рр. ХХ ст.
Creator Сергєєв, С.
Subject Історія міст і сіл
Description У цій публікації йдеться про стан колишнього будинку архієпископа в м. Чернігові у
повоєнний період. На той час споруда використовувалася для потреб місцевого історичного архіву, що структурно підпорядковувався органам держбезпеки. У статті описані
пошкодження, які були завдані будівлі під час Другої світової війни. Охарактеризовано
проекти щодо відновлення архівних приміщень, проблеми, пов'язані з цими процесами.
Materials of the state archives of the Chernihiv region of the soviet period show that
the krayarch of Chernihiv in the prewar period had the second found in Ukraine (2005286
od.zb.). Partially documents were lost due to fires, bombings and thefts during the Second
world war (1275062 units). The damages to buildings and property of the archival institution
were also quite significant.
During the war, communications were mostly affected by construction, most of them
remained in a satisfactory condition. According to the original plan it was supposed to restore
the premises for 3-4 years. The case of repairing the archive was considered important enough,
after all, even in the difficult postwar period, significant resources were found for restoration.
Restoration of buildings was unsatisfactory, with constant violations of the schedule of
performances and periodic increase in the cost estimate for repairs. Restoration works were
hampered by the lack of sufficient funds in post-war time, professional workers and a rather
bulky bureaucratic soviet government system, authoritarian methods of implementation, etc.
Constantly there were difficulties with the supply of necessary materials, which were mostly
brought from other cities. Sometimes the contractors clearly sabotaged the implementation
of plans, bringing workers to more profitable objects. Also, at the end of the repairs, the local
authorities began to claim the construction of the archive, trying, through republican structures,
to take the building for the palace of the pioneers.
Another factor that delayed the restoration of the archives was an inert and too
bureaucratic system of state power, because conflicts between different structures influenced
the final result.
The main part of repair and restoration works was completed until 1952, although some
deficiencies continued to go on.
The perspectives of this topic are viewed in the continuation of the study of the material
base on the history of the former building of the archbishop at the expense of archival funds
of the soviet period prewar and postwar.
Date 2019-06-08T09:14:58Z
Type Article
Identifier Відбудова споруд та приміщень Чернігівського історичного крайархіаву в 40–50-х рр. ХХ ст. / С. Сергєєв // Сіверянський літопис. — 2019. — № 1. — С. 51-57. — Бібліогр.: 35 назв. — укр.
931.255:727(477.51.01) «194/195»
Language uk
Relation Сiверянський лiтопис
Publisher Інститут української археографії та джерелознавства ім. М.С. Грушевського НАН України