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Resonant Phenomena in a Periodic Array of Slits Filled With a Metamaterial

Електронного архіву Харківського національного університету радіоелектроніки (Open Access Repository of KHNURE)

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Title Resonant Phenomena in a Periodic Array of Slits Filled With a Metamaterial
Creator Panov, М. I.
Shmat'ko, A. A.
Odarenko, E. N.
Subject metamaterial
diffraction grating
Description The TM-wave diffraction problem by a periodic perfectly conducting grating is solved for the single-mode
approximation of the slit field. The physical reason of the observed effects is discussed for the case when slits are filled with a conventional positive index magnetodielectric. The obtained solution allows analyzing the periodic arrays of slits filled with an arbitrary metamaterial.
Date 2019-06-11T13:44:04Z
Type Conference proceedings
Identifier Panov М. I. Resonant Phenomena in a Periodic Array of Slits Filled With a Metamaterial / М. I. Panov, А. А. Shmat'ko, Е. N. Odarenko // СВЧ-техника и телекоммуникационные технологии (КрыМиКо’2013): 23-я Международная Крымская конференция, 8-13 сент. 2013 г.: тезисы докл. – Севастополь, 2013. – С. 628–629.
Language en_US
Publisher Weber Co.