Запис Детальніше

Розвиток предметної компетентності старшокласників у процесі аналізу художніх сновидінь на уроках української літератури

Електронна бібліотека НАПН України

Переглянути архів Інформація
Поле Співвідношення
Relation http://lib.iitta.gov.ua/716373/
Title Розвиток предметної компетентності старшокласників у процесі аналізу художніх сновидінь на уроках української літератури
Subject competence development in the process of belletristic dreams analysis at the ukrainian literature lessons
Creator Міщенко, Оксана
Subject 373 Kinds of school providing general education
82 Literature
Description Розвідка презентує методичну модель аналізу художніх сновидінь на уроках української літератури в старших класах. У статті обґрунтовано доцільність уведення хронотопного,
антропоцентричного та концептуального підходів до аналізу художніх сновидінь, розроблено алгоритм упровадження їх у шкільну практику. Матеріал представленого дослідження є перспективним щодо вирішення проблеми розвитку літературної компетентності старшокласників.
The research represents a methodological model of analyzing belletristic dreams at the Ukrainian literature lessons in senior school. The article substantiates the viability of introducing chronotopical, anthropocentric and conceptual approaches to the belletristic dreams analysis, the algorithm of their implementation into the school practical work being elaborated.
The article convincingly proves that student’s reading focus on outplot elements does not shift the accents from the perception of belletristic material’s integrity to fragmentarity but on the contrary suggests concentration on an epic work’s analysis as a system of interrelated constituents. The research identifies that oneiric components subordinate to realizing the main idea and stipulates their definition as conceptually directed means of belletristic reality reflection, as outplot components being content-wise detached from the plot, distinguished by the sense and the narration form, characterized by the fantastic and chaotic nature and highest possible brevity of narration.
The investigation views the model of learning belletristic dreams in senior forms as a process provided by the sequence of fulfilling certain stages, case studies, educational tasks, methods and practices and forms of students’ learning activity organization. As the reference points of belletristic dreams analysis at school the system of senior students’ practical skills has been defined: to distinguish the oneiric space from the belletristic reality, to characterize belletristic dreams as outplot excerpts, to relate personages’ visions to the work’s plot, to reveal their hidden meanings, to define their time and space, anthropocentric and conceptual roles. The investigation of image and symbolic meaning of personages’ oneiric visions has been worked out taking into account not only their belletristic specificity but also students’ age and psychological peculiarities. The material of the presented research is promising for solving the problem of senior students’ literary competence.
Publisher ПП Зволейко Д.Г.
Date 2019
Type Article
Format text
Language uk
Identifier http://lib.iitta.gov.ua/716373/1/%D0%A1%D1%82%D0%B0%D1%82%D1%82%D1%8F%20%D0%9C%D1%96%D1%89%D0%B5%D0%BD%D0%BA%D0%BE%20%D0%A1%D0%BD%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D1%96%D0%BD%D0%BD%D1%8F%202019.pdf
- Міщенко, Оксана (orcid.org/0000-0001-9075-4436 <http://orcid.org/0000-0001-9075-4436>) (2019) Subject competence development in the process of belletristic dreams analysis at the ukrainian literature lessons Педагогічна освіта: теорія і практика, 2 (26). pp. 353-358. ISSN 2309-9763