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On the group of unitriangular automorphisms of the polynomial ring in two variables over a finite field

Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine

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Title On the group of unitriangular automorphisms of the polynomial ring in two variables over a finite field
Creator Leshchenko, Yu.
Sushchansky, V.
Description The group UJ₂(Fq) of unitriangular automorphisms of the polynomial ring in two variables over a finite field Fq, q = pm, is studied. We proved that UJ₂(Fq) is isomorphic to a standard wreath product of elementary Abelian p-groups. Using wreath product representation we proved that the nilpotency class of UJ₂(Fq) is c = m(p − 1) + 1 and the (k + 1)th term of the lower central series of this group coincides with the (c − k)th term of its upper central series. Also we showed that UJn(Fq) is not nilpotent if n ≥ 3.
Date 2019-06-13T10:53:05Z
Type Article
Identifier On the group of unitriangular automorphisms of the polynomial ring in two variables over a finite field / Yu. Leshchenko, V. Sushchansky // Algebra and Discrete Mathematics. — 2014. — Vol. 17, № 2. — С. 288–297. — Бібліогр.: 7 назв. — англ.
2010 MSC:20D15, 20E22, 20E36, 20F14.
Language en
Relation Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Publisher Інститут прикладної математики і механіки НАН України