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Exact asymptotic expansion for the resistance between the center node and a node on the cobweb network boundary

Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine

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Title Exact asymptotic expansion for the resistance between the center node and a node on the cobweb network boundary
Creator Izmailian, N.
Kenna, R.
Description We analyze the resistance between two nodes in a cobweb network of resistors. Based on an exact expression, we derive the asymptotic expansions for the resistance between the center node and a node on the boundary of the M x N cobweb network with resistors r and s in the two spatial directions. All coefficients in this expansion are expressed through analytical functions.
Ми аналiзуємо опiр мiж двома вузлами в павутиннiй мережi резисторiв. На основi точного виразу ми
виводимо асимптотичнi розклади для опору мiж центральним вузлом i вузлом на границi павутинної
мережi M ×N з резисторами r i s у двох просторових напрямках. Всi коефiцiєнти в цьому розкладi виражаються через аналiтичнi функцiї.
Date 2019-06-14T10:40:56Z
Type Article
Identifier Exact asymptotic expansion for the resistance between the center node and a node on the cobweb network boundary / N. Izmailian, R. Kenna // Condensed Matter Physics. — 2014. — Т. 17, № 3. — С. 33008:1-8. — Бібліогр.: 34 назв.— англ.
PACS: 05.50.+q, 05.60.Cd, 02.30.Mv
Language en
Relation Condensed Matter Physics
Publisher Інститут фізики конденсованих систем НАН України