Запис Детальніше

CaWO₄@MPSiO₂ nanocomposite: synthesis and characterization

Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine

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Title CaWO₄@MPSiO₂ nanocomposite: synthesis and characterization
Creator Hubenko, K.
Bespalova, I.
Maksimchuk, P.
Mateychenko, P.
Grynyov, R.
Yefimova, S.
Subject Characterization and properties
Description The features of obtaining a nanocomposite consisting of the CaWO₄ core which is a scintillation nanocrystal and a mesoporous SiO₂ shell (CaWO4@MPSiO₂ ) are considered. The results of the investigation of microscopic and optical parameters of CaWO₄@MPSiO₂ nanocomposite are presented. The mesoporous SiO₂ shell applied to the nanocrystal can be used both as a host for the photosensitizer, and set the necessary distance between the donor and the energy acceptor.
Date 2019-06-15T06:55:28Z
Type Article
Identifier CaWO₄@MPSiO₂ nanocomposite: synthesis and characterization / K.Hubenko, I.Bespalova, P.Maksimchuk, P.Mateychenko, R.Grynyov, S.Yefimova // Functional Materials. — 2018. — Т. 25, № 1. — С. 28-33. — Бібліогр.: 26 назв. — англ.
Language en
Relation Functional Materials
Publisher НТК «Інститут монокристалів» НАН України