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On fibers and accessibility of groups acting on trees with inversions

Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine

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Title On fibers and accessibility of groups acting on trees with inversions
Creator Mahmood, R.M.S.
Description Throughout this paper the actions of groups on
graphs with inversions are allowed. An element g of a group G is
called inverter if there exists a tree X where G acts such that g
transfers an edge of X into its inverse. A group G is called accessible
if G is finitely generated and there exists a tree on which G acts
such that each edge group is finite, no vertex is stabilized by G, and
each vertex group has at most one end.
In this paper we show that if G is a group acting on a tree
X such that if for each vertex v of X, the vertex group Gv of v
acts on a tree Xv, the edge group Ge of each edge e of X is finite
and contains no inverter elements of the vertex group Gt(e) of the
terminal t(e) of e, then we obtain a new tree denoted Xe and is called
a fiber tree such that G acts on Xe. As an application, we show that
if G is a group acting on a tree X such that the edge group Ge for
each edge e of X is finite and contains no inverter elements of Gt(e),
the vertex Gv group of each vertex v of X is accessible, and the
quotient graph G /X for the action of G on X is finite, then G is
an accessible group.
Date 2019-06-15T11:49:19Z
Type Article
Identifier On fibers and accessibility of groups acting on trees with inversions / R.M.S. Mahmood // Algebra and Discrete Mathematics. — 2015. — Vol. 19, № 2. — С. 229-242. — Бібліогр.: 11 назв. — англ.
2000 MSC:20E06, 20E086, 20F05
Language en
Relation Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Publisher Інститут прикладної математики і механіки НАН України