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On separable and H-separable polynomials in skew polynomial rings of several variables

Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine

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Поле Співвідношення
Title On separable and H-separable polynomials in skew polynomial rings of several variables
Creator Ikehata, S.
Description Let B be a ring with 1, and {ρ1,⋯,ρe} a set of automorphisms of B. Let B[X1,⋯,Xe;ρ1,⋯,ρe;{uij}] be the skew polynomial ring of automorphism type. In this paper, we shall give equivalent conditions that the residue ring of B[X1,⋯,Xe;ρ1,⋯,ρe;{uij}] by the ideal generated by a set {Xm11−u1,⋯,Xmee−ue} to be separable or H-separable over B.
Date 2019-06-16T05:53:48Z
Type Article
Identifier On separable and H-separable polynomials in skew polynomial rings of several variables / S.Ikehata // Algebra and Discrete Mathematics. — 2010. — Vol. 10, № 2. — С. 87–85. — Бібліогр.: 13 назв. — англ.
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification:16S30, 16W20
Language en
Relation Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Publisher Інститут прикладної математики і механіки НАН України