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On disjoint union of M-graphs

Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine

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Title On disjoint union of M-graphs
Creator Kozerenko, S.
Description Given a pair (X,σ) consisting of a finite tree X and its vertex self-map σ one can construct the corresponding Markov graph Γ(X,σ) which is a digraph that encodes σ-covering relation between edges in X. M-graphs are Markov graphs up to isomorphism. We obtain several sufficient conditions for the disjoint union of M-graphs to be an M-graph and prove that each weak component of M-graph is an M-graph itself.
Date 2019-06-18T18:10:42Z
Type Article
Identifier On disjoint union of M-graphs / S. Kozerenko // Algebra and Discrete Mathematics. — 2017. — Vol. 24, № 2. — С. 262-273. — Бібліогр.: 10 назв. — англ.
2010 MSC:05C20, 37E25, 37E15.
Language en
Relation Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Publisher Інститут прикладної математики і механіки НАН України