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Electron spin resonance and magnetic phase transitions in manganite perovskite La₀.₇₈Sr₀.₂₂MnO₃ synthesized by the solid-phase reaction method

Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine

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Title Electron spin resonance and magnetic phase transitions in manganite perovskite La₀.₇₈Sr₀.₂₂MnO₃ synthesized by the solid-phase reaction method
Creator Kalmykova, T.
Vakula, A.
Nedukh, S.
Tarapov, S.
Belous, A.
Krivoruchko, V.
Suhov, R.
Subject Characterization and properties
Description Magnetic properties of nanopowder of perovskite manganite doped with strontium La₀.₇₈Sr₀.₂₂MnO₃ are studied using electron paramagnetic resonance method. Analysis of the experiments in the temperature range T = 77-290 K shows that this structure is a typical nanostructure only at T < 100 K. In the remaining temperature region, the structure is in the superparamagnetic and noncollinear superparamagnetic magnetic state.
Date 2019-06-19T16:16:09Z
Type Article
Identifier Electron spin resonance and magnetic phase transitions in manganite perovskite La₀.₇₈Sr₀.₂₂MnO₃ synthesized by the solid-phase reaction method / T. Kalmykova, A. Vakula, S. Nedukh, S. Tarapov, A. Belous, V. Krivoruchko, R. Suhov // Functional Materials. — 2018. — Т. 25, № 2. — С. 241-245. — Бібліогр.: 19 назв. — англ.
Language en
Relation Functional Materials
Publisher НТК «Інститут монокристалів» НАН України