Запис Детальніше

Investigation of corrosion fatigue cracks of steel under wetting and drying conditions

Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine

Переглянути архів Інформація
Поле Співвідношення
Title Investigation of corrosion fatigue cracks of steel under wetting and drying conditions
Creator Lihua Liang
Subject Technology
Description The results demonstrated that dry/wet ratio and loading frequency could significantly affect the growth rate of the corrosion fatigue cracks of steel structure. The effects of dry/wet ratio on the growth rate of cracks became smaller with the increase of the amplitude of stress intensity factor under the same loading frequency. The effects of dry/wet ratio on the growth rate of cracks became smaller with the increase of loading frequency under the same dry/wet ratio.
Date 2019-06-20T03:28:47Z
Type Article
Identifier Investigation of corrosion fatigue cracks of steel under wetting and drying conditions / Lihua Liang // Functional Materials. — 2018. — Т. 25, № 4. — С. 829-834. — Бібліогр.: 15 назв. — англ.
Language en
Relation Functional Materials
Publisher НТК «Інститут монокристалів» НАН України