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Manipulation in British and Ukrainian reporting of Mh17 Downing

Институционный репозиторий Киевского университета имени Бориса Гринченко

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Relation http://elibrary.kubg.edu.ua/id/eprint/27681/
Title Manipulation in British and Ukrainian reporting of Mh17 Downing
Creator Shurma, Svitlana
Subject Міжнародні
Description Media manipulation occurs at the stage of verbal and visual shaping of data received from the site of an event. When manipulation occurs, values and beliefs of the target audience are challenged. In this sense media manipulation can be viewed as a kind of violence act. Even though lie often accompanies manipulation and is associated with it, the former is used as a tool of the latter. The difference between the two lies in their directionality: lie is aimed at another person, but manipulation is targeted at receiving benefit for oneself. Lies may be used in the media, but by structuring the narrative in this or that way, media can still manipulate information without resorting to lying. For instance, British BBC and Ukrainian TSN foreground some agents of action involved in MH17 tragedy and foreshadow other. Visual metaphors and metonymies also play an important role in creation of an intrigue matrix necessary for a successful narrative. And finally, in the news narratives “landscape of action” always dominates over the “landscape of consciousness”. However, the BBC would still offer stories where the voices of victims are heard, while TSN would almost exclusively focus on official opinions, in this way trying to cover the guilt for not doing enough to prevent the tragedy.
Date 2018
Type Доповідь на конференції чи семінарі
Format text
Language uk
Identifier http://elibrary.kubg.edu.ua/id/eprint/27681/1/S_Shurma_Mkonf_2018_IF.pdf
Shurma, Svitlana (2018) Manipulation in British and Ukrainian reporting of Mh17 Downing In: 14th ESSE Conference Abstracts, 29 Aug – 2 Sep 2018, Brno.