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Concept, peculiarities of constitution and functions of civil society as a structural element of the modern world-system

ENPUIR - електронний архів наукових публікацій Національного педагогічного університету імені М. П. Драгоманова

Переглянути архів Інформація
Поле Співвідношення
Title Concept, peculiarities of constitution and functions of civil society as a structural element of the modern world-system
Creator Bulatevych, Mykola
Булатевич, Микола Миколайович
Subject the modern world-system
civil society
the European capitalist world-economy
communicative action
Geoculture of the modern world- system
capitalist class
French Revolution
urban middle class
model of liberal state
surplus value
lower strata
ideology of liberalism
Description The article proposes to look at civil society from the standpoint
of Immanuel Wallerstein's world-systems analysis. Of course, Wallerstein
can hardly be considered a theoretician of civil society. Still, his works
can o er theoretical provisions that concern this topic as well. The ar-
ticle suggests the study of civil society as possibly the third structural
element of the modern world-system, which, along with two other structu-
ral elements | the axial division of labor and the state and the system of
interstate relations, | regulates social relations in it. It is shown that civil
society consists of two dimensions: institutional and discursive. In gene-
ral, features of creation and arrangement of each of these dimensions are
characterized. The functions performed by civil society in the European
capitalist world economy are highlighted.
Date 2019-06-27T12:55:57Z
Type Article
Identifier Bulatevych, M. Concept, peculiarities of constitution and functions of civil society as a structural element of the modern world-system / M. Bulatevych // Мiждисциплiнарнi дослiдження складних систем = Interdisciplinary Studies of Complex Systems : [збірник наукових праць]. - Київ : Вид-во НПУ iменi М. П. Драгоманова, 2019. - Номер 14. - C. 61-80.
Language en
Publisher Вид-во НПУ імені М. П. Драгоманова