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Open Access, Equity and Strong Economy in Developing and Transition Countries: Policy Perspective


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Поле Співвідношення
Creator Kuchma, Iryna
Кучма, Ірина
Кучма, Ирина
Date 2009-10-02T12:26:30Z
Identifier Kuchma I. Open Access, Equity, and Strong Economy in Developing and Transition Countries: Policy Perspective // Serials Review, Volume 34, Issue 1, March 2008, Pages 13-20.
Description Since January 2007 Ukraine has a law mandating open access to publicly funded research. Most of the Parliament members supported it. And it is already the second parliamentary inquiry mandating the Cabinet of Ministers to take actions on creating favourable conditions for developing open access repositories in archives, libraries, museums, scientific and research institutions with open access condition to publicly funded research. Nevertheless bottom-up approaches of Ukrainian Universities and research centres as well as political support from the principle legislative body in the country have still not resulted into a network of well-functioning institutional repositories. The article highlights recent open access developments and presents the lists of open access benefits for the countries and regions.
Language en
Publisher Elsevier, Inc.
Subject open access
publicly funded research
open access journals
open access educational material
developing and transition countries
Title Open Access, Equity and Strong Economy in Developing and Transition Countries: Policy Perspective
Type Article