Запис Детальніше

Стратегічне планування на підприємствах зварювального виробництва


Переглянути архів Інформація
Поле Співвідношення
Title Стратегічне планування на підприємствах зварювального виробництва
Creator Ма Пін
Description Дисертація на здобуття наукового ступеня кандидата економічних наук за спеціальністю 08.00.04 – Економіка та управління підприємствами (за видами економічної діяльності). – Національний технічний університет України «Київський політехнічний інститут», м. Київ, 2010.
У дисертаційній роботі сформульовано, досліджено і розв’язано наукове завдання розробки рекомендацій щодо вдосконалення системи стратегічного планування на основі системного підходу для забезпечення стратегічної конкурентоспроможності підприємств зварювального виробництва.
У рамках теоретичного дослідження розглянуто різні підходи до вивчення питань стратегічного планування та стратегічного управління соціально-економічними системами, приділено увагу поняттєвому апарату.
Розроблено три моделі оцінки управління підприємствами на підставі стратегічного планування. На базі цих моделей проведено оцінку діяльності підприємств зварювального виробництва України та управління ними, розроблено ряд практичних рекомендацій щодо впровадження та вдосконалення стратегічного планування на таких підприємствах.
Диссертация на соискание ученой степени кандидата экономических наук по специальности 08.00.04 – Экономика и управление предприятиями (по видам экономической деятельности). – Национальный технический университет Украины «Киевский политехнический институт», г. Киев, 2010.
В диссертационной работе сформулирована, исследована и решена научная задача разработки рекомендаций по совершенствованию системы стратегического планирования на основе системного подхода для обеспечения стратегической конкурентоспособности предприятий сварочного производства.
В рамках теоретического исследования рассмотрены разные подходы к изучению вопросов стратегического планирования и стратегического управления социально-экономическими системами, уделено внимание понятийному аппарату. Раскрыты сущность, функции и выгоды стратегического планирования как основной функции системы управления. Рассмотрены последовательность этапов стратегического планирования, его принципы и методы.
Разработаны три модели оценки управления предприятиями на основании стратегического планирования. На базе этих моделей проведена оценка деятельности предприятий сварочного производства Украины и управления ими, разработан ряд практических рекомендаций по внедрению и совершенствованию стратегического планирования на таких предприятиях, сделаны важные замечания относительно деятельности каждого из них.
Dissertation on achieving the degree in economic sciences in major 08.00.04 – Economics and management of enterprises ( by the type of economic activity). - National Technical University of Ukraine “Kiev Polytechnic Institute”, Kiev, 2010.
The dissertation shows, investigates and solves the problem of developing the recommendations to improve the systems of strategic planning based on the systematical approach to providing strategic competitive ability of the welding enterprises.
During the theoretical investigation different approaches to study the problems of strategic planning and strategic management of socioeconomic systems were considered; the conceptual field was also paid attention to.
The idea, functions and benefits of strategic planning, as the main management function were shown. The order of strategic planning stages, its principles and methods were investigated. The order of strategic planning stages was studied together with the interaction with strategic management; the structure of methodical support was given.
The dissertation provides the complex analysis of worldwide market of welding equipment and materials and highlights the main progress trends. The structures of world welding branch and consumer segmentation were investigated. The dissertation pays attention to the most capacious markets of welding technologies.
The thesis studied the tendencies and prospects of Ukrainian welding market, marked its high competitiveness, highlighted the key role of E. O. Paton Welding Institute in the market, considered the forms of organizing innovative activity.
The key factors, that determine the functioning of Ukrainian welding industry enterprises were accentuated, the key role of E. O. Paton Technology Park as a form of joint research and implementation of innovative projects were (was) emphasized. Based on the economic and business indicators, PETS and SWOT analysis the strategic analysis of Ukrainian main welding enterprises functioning was conducted.
In practical terms, a number of measures in organizing and improving the strategic planning and management in welding technology enterprises was worked out. It was proposed to create a Strategic Analysis Department at the Technology Park; the functioning of Analysis departments at the enterprises was developed.
There are three models of estimating the management at the enterprises based on the strategic planning.
The first model is based on the introducing the state space of managing objects and reducing the economic and business activity indicators, using the method of principal components. It is based is based on the comparison of economic and business activity of the enterprises.
The choice of indicators is quite random, but in general, it is based on the concept of the most accurate reflection of different sides of state and activity at the enterprise.
The second model takes into consideration the features of flexibility of this or that indicator.
The background for creating this model was taking strategic management as a kind of management that allows you to normalize the negative influence, inner contradictions as well as outer unfavorable factors. This model is based on the following point – strategic enterprise management should have the smooth changes in the functioning indicators, because in fact, the enterprise having a strategy and using this strategic management must be ready to work in an uncertain economic environment. Strategic planning involves handling different ways of development of the enterprise, as well as possible actions during sudden changes of the environment.
Thus, strategic management should minimize the harmful impact of adverse circumstances.
The first two models give you the possibility to provide the direct analysis of enterprise management, in total using the first model, and partially using the second.
Moreover, the second model can be used to estimate the strategy planning in the areas, that aren’t considered in this thesis, and it is a perfect and simple tool for analyzing the strategic enterprise management and any other institution.
The third model considers the formalization of the problem, defining the key indicators of labor market and welding technologies, which form factors for the market of welding equipment and supplies.
The outlook of the main features of the welding market by Berlet –Thompson method was done and the factor model was determined, with the help of which the indicator of the labor market, which is directly involved in welding industry was calculated.
Based on the developed models the estimation of activity and welding enterprises management was conducted.
A number of practical recommendations on introducing and improving of strategic planning at the welding enterprises in Ukraine was developed; important remarks on the functioning of these enterprises were made.
Key remarks were presented on the activity of each enterprise.
Publisher НТУУ "КПІ"
Date 2011-09-20T10:18:36Z
Type Thesis
Identifier http://library.kpi.ua:8080/handle/123456789/1097
Language uk