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Current-controlled filter on superconducting films with a tilted washboard pinning potential


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Title Current-controlled filter on superconducting films with a tilted washboard pinning potential
Creator Dobrovolskiy, O.V.
Shklovskij, V.A.
Huth, M.
Description The influence of an ac current of arbitrary amplitude and frequency on the mixed-state dc-voltage-ac-drive tiltingratchet
response of a superconducting film with uniaxial cosine pinning potential at finite temperature is theoretically
investigated. The results are obtained in the single-vortex approximation, within the frame of an exact solution of the
Langevin equation for non-interacting vortices. Both experimentally achievable, the dc ratchet response and absorbed ac
power are predicted to demonstrate a pronounced filter-like behavior at microwave frequencies. Based on our findings,
we propose a cut-off filter and discuss its operating curves as functions of the driving parameters, i.e, ac amplitude,
frequency, and dc bias. The predicted results can be examined, e.g, on superconducting films with a washboard pinning
potential landscape.
Date 2013-10-04T10:36:25Z
Type Article
Identifier Physics Procedia 36 ( 2012 ) 9 – 12
Language en
Publisher Elsevier